Example sentences of "[n mass] of [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 XIXs in 1957 , the grounding of two Mk.XVI aircraft of the Battle of Britain Flight due to incidents a year or so later , 1960 probably saw the lowest dip in the airworthy Spitfire population .
2 At 1st April 1991 , the date of the latest actuarial valuation , the market value of the main UK scheme 's assets was £277.4 million , the actuarial value of which represented 141% of the liability for benefits that had accrued to that date making full allowance for future salary and pension increases and after taking into account benefit changes introduced as of 1st April 1991 .
3 The EEC re-imburses 25% of the cost of HLCAs .
4 These include : the Department of Employment , which ( directly and indirectly ) runs YTS/YT and TVEI ( see Chapter 10 ) and controls 25% of the funding for NAFE ( see Chapter 5 ) ; the Department of the Environment , which through the Urban Programme gives grants for educational projects in deprived areas ; and the Department of Industry , which through the Micros in Schools Project subsidises the buying of microcomputers in primary and secondary schools .
5 Any shareholders claiming the compensation will receive 25% of the value of rights exercised in the issue .
6 In a secondary forest near Cayenne , French Guyana , five of the six nocturnal mammalian frugivores ( effective dispersers rather than predators ) were found to be marsupials : 13 of the 26 plant species with a major role as food sources for nocturnal mammals made up approximately half of the total basal area of the forest and 25% of the number of trees there .
7 Feed cost has a very important part to play , as it will represent over 65% of the cost of production .
8 Very few people actually disappear without trace , and most people ( about 65% of the population of Great Britain , no less ) come out happier , and financially healthier than when they went in .
9 And that means that the insurance premiums should be cheaper — at between 2% and 3% of the capital at risk — than the 3%-plus normally charged by private political risk providers .
10 This is combined with an enormous rise in education standards — less than 10% of the population of Indonesia could read in 1930 , and by 1980 this had risen to 60% .
11 There are also an application development and a manufacturing technology transfer operation : together , the work done by these for third parties account for 10% of the turnover of Montpellier .
12 Allow 10% of the rate of increase of height , but increase this allowance to 20% when levelling from descent .
13 This enables investors to compare the performance and characteristic data of the security under scrutiny with that of the industry to which it belongs .
14 Approximately 90% of the land in Italy is hill or mountain with stony and shallow soils subject to severe moisture stress .
15 It would be inappropriate to penalise the relatively harmless social use of alcohol by 90% of the population in order to try to control the damage caused mainly by the alcoholic 10% .
16 If you use an agency to help with the production of your report and accounts , does its fee amount to more than 50% of the cost of printing and postage ?
17 In the current economic climate banks will not normally lend more than 50% of the value of invoices and may sometimes only be prepared to lend 20% to 30% .
18 In 1989 , 80% of the income of households with weekly incomes of below £45 came from state benefits , with 2% from wages and salaries .
19 For instance : 20 buyers in a trade comprising 100 firms purchase 80% of the output of industry " X " sold into that trade .
20 With Domestic Factoring , we purchase your book debts on a continuous basis and provide four basic services : an immediate advance of up to 80% of the value of invoices ; credit management and sales ledger administration — we take over the time-consuming chores of sending out statements and chasing late payers ; credit protection — we can , if required , take 100% of the credit risk on agreed customers ; and facility for growth — our service can expand as your company grows .
21 A factor , by contrast , will usually be willing to advance up to 80% of the value of invoices immediately , with the remainder , minus its fee and interest , when the client 's customer settles his bill .
22 For our answer we have made an arbitrary assumption that he uses his car for 80% of the time for business and that half the repairs etc. relate to that car .
23 Nearly 80% of the population in England , and more than 70% in Scotland and Wales , live in urban areas .
24 In the considered opinion of many experts this poor relation of the industry will probably take 80% of the market by volume .
25 In the early hours of 18 July , Franco sent a telegram from Las Palmas to the eight regional headquarters of the army in mainland Spain and to thirty-one other garrisons .
26 In 1793 , in a more striking case , a boy of seventeen was left at the beginning of the struggle with the French revolution as the sole British representative at the military headquarters of the king of Prussia .
27 At one time it was the Swanage headquarters of the Company of Marblers and Stonecutters .
28 These were followed by a wide range of commissions which display his inventive powers , including the Gothic Marischal College of 1837 , the New Market of 1840 , and in the same year his headquarters of the North of Scotland Bank , with its quadrant corner screen and richly decorated interior incorporating the Parthenon frieze .
29 Dr Stewart also visited Santa Barbara , which is the main headquarters of the University of California Education Abroad programmes , while Peter Meech visited the University of Kanvas and University of California , San Diego .
30 ‘ In 10 years , it could be the headquarters of the whole of rugby league , those guys up North have run the show for too long ! ’
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