Example sentences of "[n mass] of [v-ing] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Cockcroft Committee 's recommendation relating to graduated tests is stated in para 553 of the report : a study should be commissioned to consider whether it is possible to devise a means of providing evidence of achievement in mathematics for lower-attaining pupils in ways which will support , and not conflict with the provision of suitable mathematics courses in schools .
2 ‘ This is something that we should be doing both as an employer of a substantial number of people , and as a means of providing information to firms for them to consider for themselves whether or not they want to join Opportunity 2000 , or whether they wish to pursue any of the initiatives outside it , ’ Institute secretary Andrew Colquhoun told ACCOUNTANCY .
3 It is interesting that while the quota system was rejected as a means of providing equality of opportunity for gender and religious affiliation , it was still considered an acceptable and effective means of achieving the same aim for people with disabilities .
4 This is a useful means of gathering evidence for assessment purposes .
5 In theory , and to some extent in practice , it does act as a means of distancing broadcasting from government .
6 A number of authorities in Britain have attempted to devise means of sharing decision-making with neighbourhood groups , Islington and Walsall Councils being among the first to do so .
7 Britain 's rescue drew it deeper into the American orbit , though with the introduction of Marshall Aid to promote the economic recovery of Europe by means of financing balance of payments deficits , this was to a degree common to western European countries [ Milward , 1984 ] .
8 Undertaking an obligation to obey the law is an appropriate means of expressing identification with society , because it is a form of supporting social institutions , because it conveys a willingness to share in the common ways established in that society as expressed by its institutions , and because it expresses confidence in the reasonableness and good judgment of the government through one 's willingness to take it on trust , as it were , that the law is just and that it should be complied with .
9 Educational policy frequently becomes confused with social policy , as can be seen , for example , in the way that educational integration can come to be viewed as a sometimes misguided way of caring rather than a means of achieving access to society through education .
10 Although not formally linked to other current multilateral negotiations , the signing of an Open Skies treaty was widely regarded as an important means of facilitating agreement on verification questions at the Vienna CFE negotiations .
11 According to Walter van Halder of the Art and Antique Foundation , the project was conceived by a Dutch businessman two years ago and was welcomed by the Chinese authorities as one means of controlling smuggling of artefacts from the country .
12 Hobsbawm emphasised an important distinction between machine breaking where the machine itself was seen as a threat to employment , and those cases where machinery was destroyed simply as a means of putting pressure on employers in disputes unconnected with its use .
13 In sauntering after his cattle , he acquires a habit of indolence … and at length the sale of a half-fed cow or hog , furnishes the means of adding intemperance to idleness .
14 To provide a means of measuring time at night the Egyptians also invented the water-clock , or ‘ clepsydra ’ as the Greeks later called it .
15 He is also concerned about being unable to control their value on the open market , with individuals making money out of what had originally been a means of raising money for charity .
16 The Labour councils sought to use low fares as both a part of their overall planning policies and a means of redistributing income in favour of lower income groups .
17 At the national level , women 's political participation was confined to the ladies auxiliaries of the Conservative and Liberal parties , which were formed during the 1880s and 1890s as a means of making use of women 's formidable political energies and of siphoning off potential protest
18 The argument , however paradoxical it sounds , has frequently found favour as a means of exculpating literature of merit : " Last Exit to Brooklyn " presented horrific pictures of homosexuality and drug-taking in New York .
19 Unless such disclosure is regarded as defining the respective rights and duties of the parties ab initio61 it is unlikely to be effective as a means of avoiding liability for breach of duty .
20 In 1987 , a group of researchers were asked to develop a viable means of assessing outcome in child care .
21 And viewers were given the ridiculous impression that two blokes from Sussex University , rather than Eugene Garfield , had invented citation analysis as a means of assessing quality in research .
22 Typically , it consists in an attempt to ward off criticism or some other kind of attack on the part of an authority figure by means of exchanging subject for object and thus putting the recipient of the attack in the place of the attacker .
23 Procedure Audit can be used to examine and review any of these , not as a financial tool or a means of apportioning blame for failure , but as a device for assessing the effectiveness of a procedure and the efficient use of associated resources .
24 Stenotopy is a means of recording shorthand by machine and is used mainly for conference recording .
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