Example sentences of "and i got [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Matthews and I got them in town , Dr Streeter .
2 Only three boys understood and I got them to explain in Arabic to the rest .
3 I asked for certain research facilities and I got them .
4 I usually keep him in when I wash his clothes and I got them special for the cold weather so he should be all right .
5 And I got them and I did !
6 But in any case , the sea was calm , and I got them home safely .
7 I have a couple of mates who are Forest fans , and I got them tickets for the first game of the season .
8 I were that busy taking things back and I got them out .
9 And I got them some of that , urgh urgh !
10 and I got them both out whole an all
11 Well I 've been , I 've just bought , I bought some on Monday for Laura and I got them from Rascals .
12 So I came out with my speech about this weirdo , nothing in it et cetera et cetera , and then the money ran out and I got her to ring me back and I said it all over again ( nothing in it … ) and she hooted and said , ‘ I 'll bet .
13 And I got her two strips of Elastaplast .
14 And I got her a box of Black Magic so that 's her birthday present sorted out so she can eat and drink then ca n't she !
15 The artist who did my album cover used an airbrush and I got him to do three guitars for me .
16 At the time we took up the , the secretary took took up the matter and I got him to send us er a copy of the reply , and it , it appears that , as you know it 's all voluntary and , and it relies charity for individuals , but I noticed , I only got this from Ron yesterday , paragraph here says , where the community demonstrates it 's active support for such adventure , then there is an increase likelihood of the establish of a service , although it has to be said that there already exists a waiting list of communities eager to re receive P D S A support .
17 And I got him .
18 and I tried all weekend trying to get only there from five to seven , and I got him after five o'clock on Tuesday
19 Erm cos one of the kids wanted to watch a twelve , and I got him in .
20 The doors were padlocked anyway and I got what I wanted for my purpose from looking at the outside . ’
21 Last night you got what you wanted and I got what I deserved .
22 And I got myself all dressed up for you … ’
23 I went to the flat and I got myself a job working in Woolworth 's in Reading .
24 The first version there , is one that I did before I even looked at your , at at any of the homeworks , and I got myself into some awkwardness of trying to translate virtues , and ended up with beneficial properties , erm , which is hardly perhaps very idiomatic and the one underneath that is Jemma 's and the absent writer not that she could be embarrassed because she 's not here , erm , and she 's actually simplified more than I have , by half a line , you 'll understand .
25 Well , yeah er we we had a fair amount of chemical er troubles erm mainly spillages , bad packaging , erm a few accidents erm , and very little information in those early days erm there was a lot of nasty chemicals going around which erm very little information followed it and people were being quite seriously injured , firemen included , policemen and others were getting involved with these things , and I got myself involved quite a lot with the various bodies that deal with chemicals , like the Chemical Industry Association , and people of that kind , trying to make things a bit safer , and taking up cases where spillages had occurred and , and accidents had happened er to try to get to the bottom of it and try to improve the situation and er I was n't alone , most Chief Officers were working that way and certainly the London Fire Brigade did it , did no end of work with producing , what is now commonly known as the coding and , and a system of , of erm er marking containers of chemicals so that people can understand how to deal with them , so that that was quite an interesting area which , even now I 'm now retired I still have a little hand in that with er chemicals er in my few moments I have spare I , I get involved with that side , which I enjoy .
26 And I got myself you 've got use other philosophers
27 I have n't had a jelly for ages and I got one from Sainsbury 's .
28 Cos Steve got one and I got one .
29 And I got one out the fridge .
30 and I got one on the C's .
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