Example sentences of "and i can remember " in BNC.

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1 Two days later in what was a completely strange country I found myself doing this audition piece and I can remember very clearly sitting in the antechamber afterwards and the registrar popping her head round the door and saying balefully to a group of us sitting there , ‘ Sorry , none of you ’ .
2 There is something slithering along these shadowed walls and I can remember against my will the shock and the smell of seeing the steaming intestines pulled from a slaughtered pig , a poor animal with skin like a human being .
3 If you did end up as a German , however , you still played to win and I can remember a kind of perverse pleasure in being determined to win , even though I was a German , which was something of a contradiction .
4 The American dramatist David Mamet has given a far more penetrating and disturbing account of salesmen on the make in Glengarry Glen Ross , and I can remember at least two other British plays on virtually the same theme .
5 And she would take ye a wee walk round the cemetery , and I can remember pinchin' rhododendrons comin' out the gate . ’
6 And indeed I can still remember that strange whispered singing , all those men singing , I can remember it , and I can remember every single one of those words even now , and I 've often quoted them to myself when I 've needed to .
7 It must have been towards the end of 1920 that Lord Darlington made the first of a number of trips to Berlin himself , and I can remember the profound effect it had on him .
8 After visiting the Public Houses , father and son could become quite violent with one another and I can remember the noisy encounters they had .
9 The place was used for all sorts of important occasions and I can remember walking down there to celebrate King George V and Queen Mary 's Silver Jubilee .
10 Free , they were , and I can remember one of the Sisters putting them socks and shoes on me , and me yellin' and screamin' like mad and tryin' to take them off .
11 Yes I I can remember as a child my grandmother 's erm , family all lived in the east end and I can remember that the you know on the occasions that they used to come down and see us there was always tins of fruit and all sorts of
12 That 's what my , I say my father bred er pigs and supplied the Ministry of Food and I can remember that he had a contract to collect all the erm waste from schools in the area .
13 I did no work that I can remember — I know I was considered hopeless by my teachers and I was quite ready to believe I was hopeless — I can quite well remember keeping mice at the back of the classroom and I can remember the smell .
14 He was intensely serious about the place of art in life , and I can remember painting a picture in the main art room at Berkhamstead , one I was to sell years later in Manchester , and the way in which he valued this gave me a sense of value in my own achievement .
15 The only way forward for Scottish women 's football is to become affiliated to the S F A and I can remember back as far , as far back as nineteen seventy one when we pushed for that and agreed to recognise us .
16 ‘ We had a nest of white sticks in a tree and I can remember others of our kind soaring high on the wind and then stooping from out of that same hot sky , down towards the surface of the lake , their stoop so fast that you could hear the winds riffling and racing in their outstretched wings .
17 And I can remember tenneyex telex coming through and we did our own er er signs in those days , you know , er advertising placards , it was red hot on the press .
18 And I can remember as a child my mother had to go , my sister , myself , and my father .
19 Now in nineteen er nineteen fifteen , the the of course the War 'd started and I can remember this so well because the day after me birthday er there was a raid , a Zeppelin raid on and I saw this Zeppelin and that day the thirty first of January nineteen fifteen when this raid was , I wen I went to work at six in the morning and I finished work at quarter to nine at night .
20 And I can remember having a rubber stamp made and every letter that went out I insisted every one should have this frank on India Must be Free .
21 And I can remember one of my first patients I had to take blood from , and it took me quite a few goes on that poor lady but she 's still friends with me so she 's forgiven me .
22 ‘ I remember this dodgy little manager we had at the time sent out five copies , and I can remember the one he sent to Sounds .
23 She was a local farmer 's wife and she went on to be our first member of Parliament and me brother was helping her and mum and dad , you see , was working for the , we , we got the house as a committee room and all , all the and I can remember going with mother , we had , we had a Co-op paper or it was Co-op orientated I 'm sure news and I can remembering canvassing Walsall Wood with me mother , well I ca n't see my Guild members doing that .
24 And I can remember having big long sheets and they would take us into Nottingham and just dump you at a shop and say now you know , go in and fill that in .
25 My mother was reading to me from A Sporting Trip Through Abyssinia , and I can remember exactly where she had got to in the book when , thinking I looked feverish , she took my temperature and put me to bed .
26 It 's always in there , and er and I can remember walking around there and seeing the place where they make them , and her photograph 's outside and underneath it says , I am the lady I make them .
27 And I can remember that being built .
28 And I can remember being frightened of the bogie man when I was a little er child .
29 ‘ I remember this dodgy little manager we had at the time sent out five copies , and I can remember the one he sent to Sounds .
30 And I can remember even now
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