Example sentences of "and i [vb past] to get " in BNC.

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1 I du n no , I 'd quite like to stay watching the ducks , cos they 're pretty interesting , but I 'm too blummin cold for that and I got to get back home .
2 And I got to get some toilet roll .
3 ‘ I was kicked out by my landlord and put in this hostel which was just awful and I had to get away so I came here — I do n't know why , really , I … ’
4 Nobody in at CID , and I had to get someone to secure it .
5 P. A. I got called as a witness in a motoring case , and it came up when I was on nights and I had to get up and call in the solicitor .
6 Daisy was about to say ‘ by women ’ , but hastily changed it to ‘ by members of the congregation as I was leaving , and I had to get back for Ethel 's heart . ’
7 It was by now after two , and I had to get the album to the crematorium by five .
8 But he admitted : ‘ I could n't stay with his pace and I had to get away and look after myself . ’
9 I had information he was going protectionist and I had to get in quick .
10 I was attacked too , and I had to get up next morning and tell my daughter , she did n't have a daddy any more .
11 There was fifty and there was five levers and three lifts and I had to get a piece of paper and er make a , when you get one , two , three and then five you could have er three , three , two , one and five , four , three , two , one , you know what I mean ?
12 It was near low water now , and I had to get the dinghy afloat .
13 And I had to clean them and I had to get a bucket of water and sluice it down with a hard broom and .
14 And I had to get a box and many a time I 've fallen on my back from that so Cos somebody had moved the boxes I think .
15 There was going to be murder before the night was through , and I had to get clear .
16 ‘ I looked for a marshall 's post , but the guy 's glove prevented him pulling out the safety pin in the extinguisher and I had to get out of the car and do it for him ! ’
17 I mean I mentioned it to him afterwards but it was the sudden notice of the deadline … and I had to get it down on paper very quickly .
18 By the time we eventually turned to starboard and headed off towards the UK I was most anxious to get home : I was to be the best man at a wedding that day , and I had to get back before high noon , When the dawn really appeared we were lying very sedately over ( and we were not aware of it at the time ) Belgium .
19 ‘ You were cold and I had to get you warm .
20 The director of The Long Roads , Tristram Powell , agrees that less equalled more in that performance : ‘ I was aware that she had played all these glamorous parts , and I had to get her to trust me and do much less than she was used to .
21 All down there and I had to get a it was that much I had to get a bucket of water , soapy water to scrub it down .
22 I used to try and not say er , you know , to make her feel uncomfortable and that sort of thing , but I did use to draw the line when they used to be eleven and half past eleven saying goodnight and I had to get up at half past , six o'clock , seven o'clock
23 So I went to bed and I had to get up and get dressed and go and pick him up
24 And then he come in to us then and he says to me I 'm bleeding and I had to get a plaster for him and he
25 I went off the second board and I had to get out cos I felt sick .
26 And I had to get the old erm quilt down .
27 ‘ After about 45 seconds it stopped and I managed to get out .
28 I was brought up before the era of sex education and I managed to get by .
29 Some of the sailors and I managed to get a boat into the water , and we rowed away to look for land .
30 There was a pile of really filthy-looking blankets on the bed , they got me some sheets and a towel , and I managed to get an extra pillow because of my asthma .
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