Example sentences of "[n mass] could be [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While complete series are available for Hertfordshire , Worcestershire and Lincolnshire , staffing changes on the project meant that only 50 years of data could be collected for Durham .
2 Meanwhile , Spitfires were arriving at Prestwick and a survey was conducted to determine if the aircraft could be transferred by road to Glasgow .
3 Another £132 could be saved on beer , £100 on the cigars , £40 on cigarettes and £32 on spirits .
4 The situation would of course be different if a method eventually became available whereby the sex of the offspring could be selected at conception .
5 The scale of the problem is such that £94m could be spent in Middlesbrough alone and there would still be housing need in that town .
6 In the small front yard , where a few sheep could be penned for clipping , a tar costel is placed to hold the Stockholm tar .
7 Up to SDR14,120,000 ( $20,000,000 could be drawn in support of the first annual programme for 1992/93 .
8 It would be interesting to see how many big bream could be taken from Grafham if bait and bottom fishing were allowed .
9 Other media could be used in place of the ceramic sponges and Hex-Nodes if required ( though I 'm sure Hagen would n't recommend this ) , but all other media sections come in standard units to fit the Bio Life .
10 UP to £100,000 for homeless people could be raised from sales of a compilation album featuring pop giants Phil Collins and Annie Lennox .
11 Enterprises began to close for lack of fuel or materials , and officials warned that 35,000 people could be laid off work by the end of the month .
12 This meant many of the staff could be travelling for days on end , racing against deadlines , and , just when they were at their most exhausted , might receive a summons to fly to France the next day , which usually meant leaving at 5.30 am .
13 Paley was quite right to insist that the adaptation of each individual species to its environment was an indication of divine forethought , but it was equally important to demonstrate the existence of an underlying pattern that showed that all species could be seen as elements within a rational plan .
14 Except for minor modifications after they branched off the main line , all living species could be treated as steps on the way towards the human form .
15 The theory of natural selection meant that natural species could be explained in terms of the conditions necessary for their survival , and it seemed a small further step to explaining human social systems in such terms ; that is , in terms of the ways by which human beings gained their livelihood and reproduced .
16 Darwin 's theory emphasized the interaction between organisms and their environment and made it clear that species could be driven to extinction when the conditions to which they were exposed changed too rapidly for them to cope .
17 Up to £5,000 could be spent on premiums for the competition .
18 Lewis at his meeting with Hall on 4th August agreed that up to £5,000 could be spent on premiums , and Hall in his letter to Hunt on 21st August at first suggested fifteen premiums , five for each design , with the offices treated equally .
19 they might be thinking that we 'll relax , we do n't really know.They could be playing for time.It could be they are seriously re-thinking .
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