Example sentences of "[n mass] who be [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 2 Make sure that everyone who is likely to answer media enquiries is fully briefed on the company and its activities , products and service and has a list of those people who are competent to speak to the media on specialist areas .
2 There are few more poignant sights than a group of people who are desperate to walk up a mountain , standing with their hands in pockets and feet in slippers , gazing out the window at weather that looks like television interference .
3 First , it is important to check that information about Compact jobs is getting to those young people who are entitled to apply for them , and that they understand the nature of their entitlement .
4 There is no difference , either , between what we have under the community charge and under the rates in respect of identifying people who are entitled to help through social security benefit , if they are on low incomes .
5 The best business is done with people you know and trust , people who are prepared to co-operate with you and with whom you are prepared to co-operate .
6 The survey says : ‘ Those people who are prepared to travel by tunnel may be outvoted by their wives and families , so there could be a knock-on effect . ’
7 They are looking after their commercial interests , but unfortunately they are doing so at the expense of the tenants and customers , the very people who are supposed to benefit from the legislation .
8 I think people who are liable to worry about their condition have a very very difficult time at three and four in the morning and er old ladies are particularly vulnerable I think .
9 A group is any number of people who are able to interact with one another , are psychologically aware of each other , and who perceive and are perceived as being members of a team .
10 The few people who were visible looked like a crew of spectres as the shadowed hollows in their faces shifted with the wavering of the flames .
11 It explains that ‘ the picture that emerges is of a group of people who were keen to engage in farming on their own account and who established themselves on a smallholding , often many years ago , but who have failed to progress beyond this first step in the farming ladder .
12 I wanted to hear from people who were prepared to talk about adultery with stories that would work on television .
13 They were making and altering machines for specific customers , and the people who were prepared to pay for improved , labour-saving , machines at this time were the owners of the factories .
14 The 1670 Conventicle Act had offered financial inducements to people who were prepared to inform against Nonconformist meetings , encouraging local inhabitants to turn against their neighbours in the campaign against Dissent .
15 They were less well-informed when it came to knowing the sort of people who were likely to volunteer as foster parents .
16 Organisations with established DP departments require staff who are able to take on software " development " work ( modifying , adding to , or creating new software systems ) as required , but who , in the interim , will also undertake " maintenance " work ( keeping the system running ) .
17 The Directorate have agreed that staff who are able to arrive at work early should be encouraged to do so and the following arrangements will apply : —
18 the member of staff who was first alerted to the fire did not inform his colleagues ; Police radios did not work underground
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