Example sentences of "and [is] therefore [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now Michael White and John Gribbin have given us Stephen Hawking : a Life in Science , or rather Mr White has given us the life and Mr Gribbin the science ; the latter is awash with black holes , white dwarfs , protons , pulsars , quasars and quarks and is therefore no more comprehensible than Brief History ; also , what is one to make of a writer who speaks at one moment of ‘ tiny black holes ’ and the next of ‘ black holes which could eat solar systems for breakfast ’ ?
2 This is a broad but concise one-volume review of the subject and is therefore a useful addition to the literature .
3 This is usually due less to some brilliant inspiration of the moment than to a skilful adaptation of previously made and polished plans and techniques , and is therefore a product of planning rather than an alternative to it .
4 It carries paternal antigens and is therefore a foreign body that ought to be attacked , and to obviate this there are probably blocking factors that prevent the paternal antigens from eliciting any reaction .
5 To make such an abstraction is to remove oneself to so rarefied a plane that the object of one 's interrogation becomes an eternal category and is therefore a pointless exercise .
6 Burning of rainforest trees is believed to release between 15 and 25 per cent of all carbon dioxide into the atmosphere , and is therefore a substantial contribution to the greenhouse effect .
7 Mexico has a long culinary history and is therefore a must for any travelling cook .
8 In addition , being termed ‘ skilled ’ often simply means that the worker is carrying out a job traditionally performed by someone who has undertaken an apprenticeship and is therefore a craft worker by training .
9 Portage as a comprehensive teaching/learning programme involves ‘ parents as partners ’ and is therefore a prime example of ‘ equivalent expertise ’ ( Wolfendale 1983 ) wherein professionals and parents work together , sharing and pooling their experience and skills on behalf of the child .
10 It is the ratio of the inverse distances of the edge from the two eyes , and is therefore a well defined function of horizontal eccentricity , independent of vertical elevation .
11 Physics was chosen as a representative subject , not only because it is studied by so few women , and is therefore a typically masculine discipline , but also because it tends to be regarded as the most objective , rigorous and , indeed , successful of the pure sciences .
12 These problems arise from the intrinsic contradiction in objectification by which the very form necessary for the subject 's development is always an exercise in self-alienation and is therefore a potential source of estrangement .
13 In such circumstances , the demand itself is ultra vires and is therefore a nullity .
14 Any element of the curriculum and organization of schooling can contribute to the production of difficulties and is therefore a reasonable subject for intervention .
15 So duration measures the interest rate elasticity of the bond price , and is therefore a measure of interest rate risk .
16 The historic cost is the result of a past decision and is therefore a sunk cost and irrelevant in decision-making .
17 Salience , of course , means salience for the hearer , and is therefore a relative term : those features of New York English which are salient for a Londoner may not be those which are salient for someone from Toronto .
18 Another explanation of the vicar 's selfishness is possible , namely that he does not live up to his religion and is therefore a poor representative of it .
19 Eulaema ignita also collects scent but , being the wrong size , does not brush against the pollinia and is therefore a robber .
20 Oct-11b has diverged at 10 nucleotides in a total of 90 within the POU specific domain compared with the structural gene and is therefore a clearly distinct but related sequence ( Figure 8 ) .
21 As I implied in the notes on the previous chapter , incorrect stress placement is the major cause of intelligibility problems for foreign learners , and is therefore a subject that needs to be treated very seriously .
22 The implication for the client of finding a title to attendance allowance and the severe disability premium or invalid care allowance could be up to an extra £78.60 and is therefore an alternative option to residential care .
23 The original cost is an historical cost and is therefore an irrelevant sunk cost .
24 First it is necessary to establish that one exists ; if there is no intersection the lever does not pass through the cover and is therefore an incorrect arrangement .
25 The deposit plan greenbelt boundary and amended , is a well-defined durable boundary , and is therefore an appropriate boundary .
26 Dishonesty and partiality are never mentioned in expert clauses as factors whose presence the parties agree would be sufficient to upset a decision : it is so obvious that it goes without saying , and is therefore an implied term .
27 The share price of a company affects its ability to raise further funds , and is therefore an important element in the cost of capital for a company .
28 Clearly , stress has linguistic importance and is therefore an aspect of the phonology of English that must be described , but it is not usually regarded as something that is related to individual segmental phonemes ; normally , stress is said to be something that is applied to ( or is a property of ) syllables , and is therefore part of the suprasegmental phonology of English .
29 This striping becomes synonymous with social attachment and is therefore the ideal pattern for evolution to exaggerate with contrasting colours .
30 Theoretically , in parliamentary systems the assembly embodies the sovereignty of the people and is therefore the source of authority for the executive .
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