Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [prep] ever " in BNC.

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1 Yes , we had stumbled back in time all right , to those days of portion control when catering managers were gods , working miracles of loaves and fishes on ever smaller plates filled with dry greenery and tomatoes cut like starfish .
2 Like a grow-bag , however , they can not go on producing their rich harvests of vegetable crops such as celery and carrots for ever , since once the peat has all wasted away , poor acid subsoils , especially clays , are often all that remain beneath .
3 We expect to contribute now a proportion of our income through sponsorships , events and appeals of ever more exotic and imaginative kinds .
4 As the number of facts established by observation and experiment grows , and as the facts become more refined and esoteric due to improvements in our observational and experimental skills , so more and more laws and theories of ever more generality and scope are constructed by careful inductive reasoning .
5 If you are moving from a place other than a shared home for which you had no personal responsibility , you will need to cancel the milk and newspapers for ever , and organise new deliveries at your new address .
6 Continuing demands by the Church of the colleges and courses for ever more subjects , without any increase in the time of training , means that priorities have to be set .
7 A small cabal would control all the minds of men and women for ever more .
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