Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [prep] early " in BNC.

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1 This ‘ fashion trade ’ in joint replacements is costing the health service many millions of pounds each year and , even more important , is causing patients unnecessary pain and distress through early failure of unproved implants .
2 Its unnamed C++-based product , likely to be called Forte something , is scheduled to go into Alpha on Christmas Eve and beta in early 1993 .
3 First , it can gain knowledge , ask questions , talk to publishers getting involved in multimedia , attend conferences and exhibitions ( there are plenty ! ) and experiment with early multimedia products .
4 Or was it because he had had two daughters before the son he wanted eventually arrived and by then he was too old , with all the eagerness and spontaneity of early fatherhood dried up ?
5 In archaeological literature , goods imported in small quantities have often been studied under the general term of ‘ prestige goods ’ , and , as such , control over these resources appears to have been a major factor in the rise and fall of early social hierarchies ( Friedman and Rowlands 1977 ) .
6 Teachers ' unions attacked the plans as undervaluing the skills and work of early years teachers , and creating a two-tier profession .
7 In relation to public examination results in Britain , Gray ( 1982 ) has documented the difficulty of interpreting the disputed results of two competing London schools , Highbury Grove and Islington Green , which sparked off considerable press comment and correspondence in early 1981 .
8 Since then he has been involved in two research projects on older workers , and has acted as a consultant to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on early retirement policies .
9 In other cases there are no apparent pathological attributes and no clear clinical causes so mental handicap can not be deduced from appearance or symptoms but is diagnosed gradually from performance and development in early childhood .
10 First , Rudolf Schaffer ( 2.1 ) surveys research in psychology on the importance and character of early experiences .
11 One such theme — and one of the most important — is the development of language and literacy in early childhood education .
12 The work involves the study and collation of early editions and manuscript sources in British and foreign libraries .
13 This noble idea was all very well in the relatively lax atmosphere and control of early NEP , with only one unique educational experiment involved .
14 The ruling junta appointed an interim Prime Minister ( Anand Panyarachun ) and Cabinet in early March [ see p. 38099 ] .
15 We shared the one church , but the mission side of worship was western — the two ways continuing independent , like Roman and Celt in early British Christianity .
16 , George ( fl. 1614–1648 ) , businessman and royal office-holder , exemplifies the interconnections between industry and government in early Stuart England .
17 A unit of Religion , Politics and Society in Early Modern Europe provides comparative background .
18 Moreover , the whole shape of knowledge changes ; the intermingling of psychology , philosophy and occultism in early editions of Dewey became a classifier 's nightmare , until a recent edition caused havoc in innumerable libraries by radically uprooting whole sections and re-assigning them .
19 The fact that it is only at puberty that initiation occurs today and that it was only at this age that young males came to pose a threat to the peace and stability of early human societies seems to have had , quite apart from its evident social and psychological consequences , important physiological ones as well .
20 Continuity and stability in early cognitive development
21 The speech provoked varied and in part contradictory , reactions , which cast light on Hitler 's popular standing and image in early 1942 .
22 Such books , usually splendidly ‘ illuminated ’ within , in the spirit and tradition of early handwritten manuscripts , cost about 21s. ( 105p ) in their day .
23 I believe , however , that Schröder has amalgamated two issues — screening and treatment of early prostatic cancer — into one when they should be argued separately .
24 A 1992 National Institutes of Health consensus conference on diagnosis and treatment of early melanoma re-emphasised that the relative risk of melanoma developing in patients in the suggested subgroups was still poorly established .
25 There was a narrow , poky cupboard and a jug and basin from early times but possibly necessary still today since the bathroom was a long way away .
26 The main aim of the research is to examine the interrelationship between the comprehension and production of early vocabulary .
27 Comprehension and production in early lexical development
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