Example sentences of "and [modal v] probably [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I just told her that it might be interesting for me to get to know something of France , after all I was still young for University Entrance and could probably arrange to do some of the work here .
2 True , I had the somewhat grisly T-shirt and track-suit bottoms which had gamely seen me through a two-hour run-through , but they were in a state and could probably have walked unaided to the BBC on their own .
3 Her parents were told that Dawn had evidently suffered a stroke , and would probably recover to remain confined to a wheelchair .
4 Only the best were good enough to grace the amphitheatres ; a second class performance by man or beast was not tolerated and would probably lead to the inevitable ‘ thumbs down ’ .
5 In the wild , a barn owl would take refuge in a barn and would probably manage to catch mice there .
6 There are two safeguards however , such an Order requires the Secretary of State 's confirmation and would probably result in a public inquiry and should the local authority be successful s.170 of that Act provides that compensation is payable in respect or any exercise of the power .
7 The Labour Party would be relegated to the position of a group , and would probably sit below the gangway on the Liberal side of the House .
8 He was as hot against her as ever , and would probably remain so .
9 If the vulnerable organic layers did not exist teeth would not rot so easily but then they would be brittle and would probably break early in life .
10 Purists may not be too keen on the ‘ big band ’ approach , but these are nonetheless vital and energetic performances which convey much enthusiasm , and would probably serve as a more palatable introduction to seventeenth and eighteenth century music for the newcomer than some of the odder products of the ‘ authentic ’ movement .
11 FBI negotiators , who have not spoken with Koresh since Monday , said they were unaware of a request to provide a doctor and would probably refuse .
12 You attend any reviews about the client 's care and would probably escort the client to hospital where possible .
13 But when the house was enlarged in 1880 , it became rather ungainly and would probably benefit now from some judicious pruning .
14 Clearly , to compare and explain every line in the budgetary accounts would produce a vast amount of information and would probably benefit few .
15 All the police present were scathing of the legal system , saying that the stupid barrister was from [ name of legal firm ] , and would probably end up a judge .
16 She said she believed the adoption of the Social Charter would ‘ cause a great increase in unemployment not only in this country but in others as well , and would probably end in Fortress Europe ’ .
17 She said she believed the adoption of the Social Charter would ‘ cause a great increase in unemployment not only in this country but in others as well , and would probably end in Fortress Europe ’ .
18 Eight years earlier in Patrick Hamilton 's widely-acclaimed novel The Midnight Bell , the young Jews of Soho were presented with little more charity except the reservation that they were ‘ brigands rather than crooks , and would probably end , not in jail , but business . ’
19 What was certain was that an announcement of the take-up rate would cause Blue Arrow 's share price to fall , and would probably damage County 's reputation .
20 Swimming was one thing , going for a drink was something else entirely , and would probably give him all sorts of ideas .
21 The sources said the operation would be run from a NATO air headquarters at Vicenza , in north-eastern Italy , and would probably include fighters from the United States , Britain and France .
22 It must surely be apparent that , with death visiting almost every family with such regularity , any attempt to mask or evade the reality of death could not have succeeded , and would probably have made the situation worse .
23 In our view , routine casework unsupported by an active programme of service development would have been of little value and would probably have degenerated into a frustrating cycle of ‘ patch and mend ’ crisis management .
24 I 'm a sucker for pretty wood finishes and would probably have requested a much more translucent look than the one I see here .
25 A compulsive polo watcher , he was familiar with many of the O'Briens ' horses and would probably have to rearrange the list when he saw which ones they were playing .
26 Paediatrics boss George Haycock said : ‘ Both children were extremely ill and would probably have died anyway . ’
27 Usually he was in camouflage smock and holding an A.K. at the hip , and would probably have knocked half his pelvis off from the recoil if he had fired at that angle .
28 ‘ Very often , at Ealing , the Director himself would think up ideas for films and would probably have a lot to do with the genesis of the scripts as well . ’
29 She was carrying more rivets than the average U-Boat and would probably have turned a compass away from Magnetic North .
30 Even though he had accepted general responsibility for his company 's operations , and would probably have agreed to print the books had the decision been referred to him , he could not be convicted unless he had been given specific notice of the offensive material .
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