Example sentences of "and [adv] the whole " in BNC.

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1 Thanks , initially , to Winckelmann , Greece and thereby the whole ancient world took on a new fascination which resulted in a new kind of scholar with a new kind of scholarly aim : the reconstruction of antiquity in all its real detail .
2 And suddenly the whole sky around them was filled with birds , and every bird had one or more Minpins on its back .
3 A brick beneath him crumbled and suddenly the whole wall began to sag .
4 And we called it the man-killer because we had ridge and furrow land down there , and this darn thing they was taking , and nothing would come over the top for ages , and suddenly the whole lot would come over on top of you , of course it as well , and you had to that 's what we were doing .
5 Two of the things dogs often do when anxious are to chew or lose toilet control — and so the whole situation becomes a vicious circle .
6 — and yet , when this is recognized , the terror still appears again , in a new and dreadful form ; and the memory must be brought to ‘ the touch of Jesus ’ and so the whole inner man is cleansed .
7 But it does figure that if you were to start out in the home recording business with the comparatively modest gear featured in volume one , then you would probably follow an upgrade path very similar to the one being demonstrated here , and so the whole thing retains a nice , logical pattern .
8 Unfortunately for the antediluvian bowl-heads , a right-thinking retailer phoned the RSPCA on the grounds that it was cruel to goldfish and so the whole idea had to be binned .
9 But the synthesis which has been established is a fresh thesis and so the whole process starts again .
10 The rains may disappear as suddenly as they arrived ; the pond may dry out within a few days , and so the whole cycle of breeding activity must be completed in the shortest possible time .
11 You would get a much cleaner ball as a result and so the whole flow of the game would improve .
12 There are special rates for children too and so the whole family can enjoy this special offer .
13 And so the whole process of egg-larva-pupa-adult begins once more .
14 I had never done a drawing solely in watercolour crayons before , and so the whole piece of work was a challenge from beginning to end to end .
15 Hachani asserted in a radio interview on Nov. 20 that " if the situation remains as it is " the FIS would " exert every available means , within the framework of the law , so that there will be no elections and so the whole Algerian people boycott these elections " .
16 And so the whole memory comes back and er the individual just can not be rid of it .
17 and so the whole thing perpetuates itself .
18 If you look at the particles inside the nucleus you have a proton , which is a positively charged particle , and it 's about two thousand times more massive than an electron , and you have also have another type of particle in there called a neutron , and a neutron is to all practical intents and purposes it 's just like a proton except that it has no charge , and so the whole mass of the atom is actually concentrated inside the nucleus .
19 I said walkers should make a courtesy check with estates when doing a specific trek in Wester Ross , but I was only referring to the peak of the stalking period — mid-August to mid October — and not the whole year . ,
20 ‘ I was only in charge of the forwards , and not the whole team ’ , pointed out Simpkin .
21 or anything like that and I will make the point that it is targeted at a sector of the economy and the workforce , it is not the whole economy and not the whole workforce .
22 He ran home and told his mother , and soon the whole district knew .
23 But she did n't know where it was either and soon the whole family was up on their feet looking for the source of the noise .
24 After the success of Cemetery Road the group hired the City Hall for another disco and soon the whole thing became a regular event which still occurs today .
25 The attempts failed , and soon the whole world was confronting the unknown .
26 Gritting my teeth , I set to the task removing only trace of red rust and finally the whole job was completed with a coat of de-watering oil .
27 I was present when one subject adviser made a visit , first to see the head , then the head of department and finally the whole department .
28 All this area is beginning to show the fruits of assiduous restoration and gradually the whole Čertovka waterway and Kampa Island will be restored .
29 Efforts should be made to preserve not just the facades but a substantial part of the interior as well , and possibly the whole building .
30 The firm will launch its — and conceivably the whole industry 's — key new product next week .
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