Example sentences of "and [pron] seems [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 If you feel you have done well at an interview and everyone seems to like you it is quite likely to find that you have n't got the part .
2 ‘ Morality lapses as you get older and nothing seems to matter any longer . ’
3 ‘ When I played for Bangor we loved putting one over on Linfield or Glentoran — and nothing seems to have changed .
4 Fortunately all eyes are elsewhere and no-one seems to notice .
5 It 's like she had a multi-barrelled gun , and has n't just shot herself in the foot , but shot herself everywhere and blown her own head off , and no-one seems to have noticed .
6 Patients wander in and out of staff rooms at their leisure and no-one seems to mind .
7 If this happened , the style of projecting our intentions and emotions into other animals , which we all find so easy and which seems to flow from a belief in evolution , will often lead us astray .
8 It was a time for looking back , for appreciating the warmth and supportive atmosphere which is characteristic of Somerville and which seems to give Somervillians the confidence and enthusiasm to develop and contribute in so many different ways .
9 This facility is Hewlett-Packard 's object technology , which grew out of its joint software development project with Sun Microsystems Inc , and which seems to have gone very cool of late .
10 DOMF is HP 's object technology which grew out of its joint software development project with Sun Microsystems Inc , and which seems to have gone very cool of late ( UX No 423 ) .
11 To illustrate the vastness of the choice , here is a poem from South America that I have come across and which seems to haunt me .
12 ‘ Well it 's a it 's a it 's a place and it 's a g-girl and a boy … and the-they 've got obviously something which is is made some made made made well it 's just beginning to go and be rather unpleasant ( ha ! ha ! ) um and this is in the this is the the woman and she 's put putting some stuff and the it 's it 's that 's being really too big t-to do and nobody seems to have got anything there at all at all and er it 's …
13 Tobiah was a Jew by religion but had his own temple on his own land — and nobody seems to have questioned his orthodoxy .
14 And all that houses here are waiting to be sold and nobody seems to want , poor old house is getting
15 Well the parrot he sort of came in the Boar War he did he sort of flitted on my shoulder and I 've been lumbered with him ever since and nobody seems to want him .
16 However Troilus shows little interest in Cressida once the morning light has revealed her features and their bed ; and she seems to realise this :
17 We have n't really discussed it , to be honest ; but I 've seen her with kids once or twice and she seems to get on with them instinctively .
18 she 's doing erm and she seems to imply that er it will get back to normal but , you know , I I just , I 'm not er happy about that myself .
19 The one most called upon to handle the situation was Brigid O'Donovan , and she seems to have managed very well .
20 My mate and I 've come all the way from London to see her , and she seems to have gone out . ’
21 I 've examined each round under a microscope , and none seems to have any fingerprints , except the one that you packed separately , which you say you found in the mud .
22 Ballantyne 's book was originally written for children and so the boys are often being described as perfect and everything seems to go right .
23 ‘ There have been so many plans for the place and everything seems to fall through , ’ he said .
24 Just try and remember what we were doing but the pig about resistance is it 's one over and think ooh we 're all into weird fractions and everything seems to work the opposite way round to the way you 'd expect it .
25 Despite attempts to recommend local materials , the per capita costs of the scheme were also high and there seems to have been a certain ‘ willing suspension of disbelief ’ about the local capacity to provide replacements for all the goodies originally supplied by UNICEF .
26 The elusive nature of the reactions seen in food intolerance makes it difficult to rule out this diagnosis without very thorough testing , and there seems to have been undue reliance on skin-prick tests in this study , despite the fact that these are unreliable indicators in most cases of food sensitivity .
27 However , in urban areas this was less common and there seems to have been more opportunity for young people to stay in the parental home for longer , because of the greater availability of work in the locality ( Anderson , 1980 , pp. 25–6 ) .
28 The similarities to modern Ulster vernacular are very striking to anyone who knows Ulster vernacular : lowering of /Ε/; seems to have applied in polysyllables in EModE ( as in BV ) , and there seems to have been a flip-flop , as the lowering of /Ε/; applies in environments where raising of /a/ also applies — again as in Belfast .
29 and everybody seems to keep burying their head in the sa well when I say everybody I mean the Tech particularly are burying their head in the sand , they do n't seem to want to invest anything in preparing for , they 're called Youth Credits now are n't they ?
30 His answers to questions normally start with ‘ we believe ’ and he seems to see himself very much as the party representative .
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