Example sentences of "and [pron] had had " in BNC.

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1 Until that moment Aunt Louise had seemed almost a stranger , her mannerisms and glances unfamiliar , and I had had no real feeling of kinship .
2 Much taken aback , not least because Amy and I had had a number of conversations about her low opinion of the Church and what it stood for , I asked how she knew it was Jesus .
3 He and I had had a heart to heart in the hotel following some comments supposedly made by him about me in the press , more particularly in the Sun .
4 My letter was published in full , and I was pleased with myself , for two good reasons : my first literary effort had been accepted ; and I had had a good swipe at the evils of fascism , judging by the stream of supporting letters which followed .
5 Before this , however , Ron and I had had an offer from Lord Brabourne of further Mountbatten film .
6 He had been twenty-one when he died of leukaemia , and I had had to help with his last offices and was then sent to escort his body to the mortuary .
7 My grades were excellent and I had had hands-on work experience with marketing agencies in the West End .
8 And I had had to smile and look down .
9 I was rather surprised , as we were not in the habit of writing to each other , and I had had dinner with him the night before .
10 At that time I was turning it out with some facility , and I had had two poems published in The Isis in my first year .
11 Whoever had washed up last night had n't cleaned the cooker , there was no light-bulb in the one cell in the basement and someone had had to be dispatched to wake up the ironmonger because nobody could find a spare .
12 It was a remarkable achievement for a company created just over a year earlier and which had had to pitch against some of the world 's largest train-builders , including GEC Alsthom , Siemens , and BREL , the dominant British manufacturer .
13 It was a remarkable achievement for a company created just over a year earlier and which had had to pitch against some of the world 's largest train-builders , including GEC Alsthom , Siemens , and BREL , the dominant British manufacturer .
14 It was her dad 's favourite piece that he 'd always refused to sell and which had had pride of place on top of the mantelpiece in the parlour .
15 Recalling the tragedy of which Juliette had spoken and which had had such a devastating effect on his mind , Melissa felt uneasy .
16 Your arm was broken , and you had had a terrible bang on the head .
17 The initial impetus came from the Managing Director of one of the largest of the Harris Tweed manufacturers — the son of a crofter and himself a fisherman in his early days The Association was , however , given its distinctive shape and its constitution by the first chairman , Rev. Ian Carmichael , a Gaelic-speaker from Lismore who was a minister in Stornoway at the time , and who had had considerable experience of welfare work in industry , and had been for some years vice convener of one of the largest local authorities in Scotland .
18 Controls comprised 21 patients with ileal pouches constructed during the same period who had been followed up for a mean duration of 43 months ( range 15–119 months ) and who had had endoscopies that showed no evidence of active inflammation .
19 London had one of its worst thunderstorms , and she had had to cope alone with thirty women in varying stages of labour on the gynaecology ward .
20 Her husband , working in England , was not with her , and she had had to go through the agony of 27 February alone .
21 She also wanted to put an end to any sexual intercourse with her husband , though formerly both he and she had had great enjoyment from it .
22 He had told her there was a flat going in Westbourne Park and she had had hysterics .
23 And after that she seemed happy the rest of the way , saying how lovely it had been to see them even for such a short time and how she 'd come down again when she could , but it was such a long way and the trains were so crowded with soldiers and she had had to take two whole days off from the ambulance station .
24 The apartment she had been in had been a single room — like his own , spartanly furnished — and she had had to share washing and night-soil facilities .
25 Between Newbury and Reading a middle-aged man had pressed his knee against hers , and she had had to change compartments , doing her best to look unconcerned about it , as if she often heaved her suitcase down from the rack halfway between stations to try the view farther down the train .
26 And she had had to admit that she had wanted Luke Hunter to kiss her .
27 By the time Corrie 's wedding took place Philippa was over the worst of her sadness and in a good position to enjoy it to the full — ; the closest to the centre of the ceremonies , yet fancy free ; and she had had a very good time — much affectionate sympathy from aunts and cousins , and husbands of aunts and cousins , and admiration and flirtation and kissing enough .
28 From the first , he had been selflessly understanding about my own war , and we had had a very happy marriage .
29 I was cast opposite him but I was nothing like the draw he was and we had had a dodgy time on tour .
30 Dmitri agreed with her , and they had had a passionate argument last night with Marchak , who drove racing cars , and Frolovna , who had loved a matador for two weeks in Spain .
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