Example sentences of "and [pron] pick up " in BNC.

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1 I flit from flower to flower , and I pick up different things from different flowers . ’
2 Only Oxford , no I 'm , mine is in in inexplicable because I 've lived in so many places and I pick up accents !
3 ‘ But this is what really gets at me : when we started our run in , and I picked up the diaper , I found it was already stained .
4 They jumped out excitedly and I picked up my pen to record what they said .
5 Phelps and I picked up one of his colleagues at two o'clock this morning , driving suspiciously slowly down the A614 near Ollerton .
6 I went into London and I picked up this Tokai and just fell in love with it — it just had the perfect neck .
7 I pushed hard and I picked up some places , but then in the bad conditions Lehto caught me and I went off into the wet and that was it . ’
8 Sorry , the only one I eh , I eh got this idea was when I first took this up I went into the hut in the town , and I picked up the booklets , you know that they have on the counter , and in one of these booklets it had that the vet 's were now I do n't know what I 'm , I 'm very lost for everything like this , but they 've kept and therefore if your animal needed , your pet needed treatment it would be done by the private vet 's and eh , mon the money would be re would be reclaimed by the vet from the R S P C A , and I think that gave to erm .
9 It then occurred to me that I might be able to help , and I picked up the telephone and spoke to Winston .
10 Magwitch and I picked up our bags , and said goodbye to Herbert and Startop , so that we would be ready to stop the ship and get on board .
11 And I picked up a pack of contraceptives .
12 And I picked up a load of washing the other day and put it in the washing machine and I washed it .
13 The most common reason for a biomusical is opportunism : take a star like Judy Garland or John Lennon , and you pick up a hit title and a hit score ready-made .
14 If you , if you are standing like this and you pick up one foot you will slightly raise your pelvis on the opposite side wo n't you ?
15 It 's got seven different audio channels and you pick up languages on them .
16 They provided a bus , you had a bus ride and you picked up a couple of guides er , who during the night would take you over the er take you over the er Pyrenees , er over the mountains er , the Pyrenees , you see becau er you 're in need of a guide because the er the frontier posts etcetera etcetera were shut , were closed .
17 And who picks up many of these victims ?
18 When we started filming she was very shy but she got better as she went along and she picked up confidence .
19 A Liberty scarf was wrapped round her head and she picked up a travelling case .
20 And as the ship freed herself from the mule-lines and her screw began to chum up a wake of umber , sludgy water , and she picked up speed towards the marker buoys and the farewell beacon on Flamenco Island , I was sure I could see the seamen still , pointing their cameras back — now with long lenses all — towards the statue of Balboa which stands on the Panama City seafront , with the great man gazing out at the Ocean into which the Poles were now , at long last , sailing .
21 Maudie Mycroft could see she was wasting her time seeking sympathy from the women and she picked up her shopping bag .
22 I tried to sound as matter-of-fact about it as possible , and she picked up my tone .
23 And she picked up the plate of spurned buck rarebit and emptied it into the bin under the counter .
24 The telephone rang , mercifully cutting short any more disturbing thoughts , and she picked up the receiver .
25 When her call came through , however , and she picked up the phone and said , ‘ Hello , ’ she realised that she would n't have to ask Lubor when Ven was coming back — because she already knew .
26 The road dipped and we picked up speed .
27 One walks between the banks that show where the houses stood , marking how blocks of squared masonry thrust in one place out of the turf ( a more important building than most of them ) , and how the tree-roots twist among the rubble footings of the peasant dwellings ; and one picks up pieces of twelfth- and thirteenth-century pottery — mere sherds , bits of rim , of sides , of bases , but all datable : nothing later than the Black Death , when the great silence descended .
28 Then there was a heavy pause , like the moment a ball must feel between the time it 's thrown up and the time it starts to come down , and something picked up all three of them and slid them into a struggling heap .
29 And they pick up the tunes of the language .
30 And they pick up about five o'clock .
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