Example sentences of "and [noun] knew [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What made Nate and the executive committee think that guys like Klepner and Mueller knew more about the European components ’ business than the Europeans ?
2 Suddenly the penny dropped , and Meredith knew why he 'd been prowling about the airport like an angry lion .
3 At least she and Dionne knew how precious they were to each other .
4 But to this day he had not once sat down at a table prepared by Beth , and both she and David knew only too well that it was a deliberate snub .
5 The woman that she 'd seen last night at the top of the stairs was nowhere around , and Lucy knew better than to ask .
6 Now she knew where Lucy lived and Lucy knew how she felt .
7 He looked fed up and Ruth knew why .
8 And Ronni knew why .
9 And El-ahrairah knew then that although he would not be mocked , yet Frith was his friend .
10 He had sent her , with Ned and the barmaids and Heaven knew how many others watching , to wait for him in his bed .
11 And Holly knew where to look .
12 He might have reservations about the English but , generally speaking , under their rule both military and civilian knew where they stood .
13 Lee turned to face Philip and Philip knew immediately what was going to happen .
14 The fingers tightened round her arm , biting deep into her flesh as she continued to struggle , and Fran knew as clearly as she knew her own name that he had no intention of letting her go .
15 And Jessamy knew better than to argue with him when he used that particular tone of voice .
16 And Harry knew where .
17 He was intending to go up West himself that evening , but hardly expected to meet McAllister when he did so , seeing that , for once , he was going out with his disreputable brother Stair , and God knew where they would end up — nowhere respectable , that was for sure .
18 She could n't bring herself to look at him , and God knew how she managed to drag out the conventional words in a voice already husky with pain .
19 She turned wide , appealing eyes to her sister , and Claudia knew very few men would be able to resist her .
20 Hugh had referred to de Craon and Maeve knew enough about the Frenchman to realise he meant nothing but ill for her husband .
21 I think it is tough for BD because the midfield have their own way of playing which they 've had since the first season back , and Chapman knew where to be cos they built it round him .
22 The great French cook was buying in supplies and Jenna knew not to interrupt .
23 Towns like London and York knew how to organize the procedures of Parliament and whom to lobby .
24 And Rufus knew why , grinning a little as their eyes met .
25 ‘ Promise you wo n't tell him , ’ Travis interrupted , and Leith knew then that she could talk to him until she was blue in the face , but he was just not hearing .
26 ‘ Finished it , ’ he concluded for her , and Leith knew then that if Naylor Massingham had been looking to find fault with her work then plainly he 'd left no stone unturned .
27 Ven chopped her off stingingly before she could finish — and Fabia knew then that she was n't going to get off as lightly as she 'd hoped .
28 The doctors and nurses knew too and just treated you any old way .
29 And Luke knew how to be that , ’ Pascoe suggested .
30 Anyone who was familiar with the less fashionable districts of London , Manchester and Leeds knew otherwise .
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