Example sentences of "and [noun] lie in " in BNC.

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1 The key to learning and progress lies in this support .
2 One possible area of conflict of ideas and values lies in the assumption that we are either rural or urban in orientation .
3 The waistline of her white dress , belted solid with beads and diamante , gave her the look of a page walking with a courtly gentleman disguised in black — doublet and hose lying in a chest at home an elongated miniature by Hillyard , a gentleman up to no good .
4 This ongoing professional development is based on the fundamental premise that solutions and strategies lie in teachers ' own expertise and experience .
5 And Hilderbridge lay in the sunshine , its slate roofs all turned to planes of silver , its spires sharp needles , as if a silversmith had made it and dropped it in the valley between the meadows and the moor .
6 The search for consistency , on this account , can explain why judges are so concerned with the past , with the various statutes and precedents lying in the neighbourhood of the new law they create in hard cases .
7 Delaney , Nell and Andrevitch lay in the cramped area of a bifurcation of the vent , dark , claustrophobic , sweating — but safe .
8 The basic legal distinction between murder and manslaughter lies in the mental element , but English law has now developed qualified defences to murder which mark out cases where , despite the presence of the mental element for murder , culpability is thought to be sufficiently reduced to warrant a reduction in the class of offence .
9 However , as he gazed lovingly over at his beautiful Laura , gently rocking the tiny babies in her arms , he knew that the true definition of his deep joy and delight lay in the collective noun : a pride of lions !
10 He put out the lights and quietly left the room and Maggie lay in the darkness until the moonlight flooded each dark corner .
11 BOY WITH A FUTURE CAMBRIDGE University , Sussex , Surrey and England lie in store for this youngster , who followed Big Brother into the Test side
12 Offshore funds are also sometimes used as vehicles for investment in equities and currencies , but their greatest interest for most UK resident individuals and companies lies in their use as flexible , sterling , cash-based investments .
13 For example , perceptual predicates that can be procedurally defined include the following spatial descriptions : x is higher than y ; the distance from x toy is zero ; x is in front of the moving object y ; y is between x and z ; x has boundary y ; x is convex ; x is changing shape ; x has the exterior surface y ; x is included spatially in y ; x , y , and z lie in a straight line ; x travels along the path p .
14 The main agent of decay is insect activity , and carcases lying in water take much longer to break down ( Dodson , 1973 ) because they are less accessible to insects .
15 In a strong statement issued from RUC headquarters , he added : ‘ The proof of our impartiality and professionalism lies in the facts : the arrests which have been made , the charges which have been preferred , and in our absolute determination to counter all terrorism without fear or favour . ’
16 In practice , however , the real power in Hungary and much of Slavonia and Croatia lay in Turkish hands .
17 If we have not realized that the source of personhood and community lies in the being of God as Father , Son and Holy Spirit , then the odds are that we will have a low view of human life and of relationships .
18 Vega , in Lyra , is skirting the northern horizon , and any slight mist will hide it ; it is worth noting that Vega , Polaris and Capella lie in a fairly straight line , so that when Capella is high up Vega is low down , and vice versa .
19 According to this , the meaning of words and statements lies in the psychological states ( including long standing dispositions ) which they combine to produce in hearers and to be caused by in speakers .
20 In Britain , conflict was most severe prior to the First World War , when the power to call out the police and troops lay in the hands of local employer/magistrate , and occasions like the General Strike of 1926 when fears of a worker revolution were aroused .
21 We estimate the adverse free energy of restricting 6 rotors per nucleotide in single strands of DNA and RNA to lie in the range ca 2 to 6 kJ mol -1 per rotor ( largely TΔS at 300K ) .
22 She imaged imposing castles and cathedrals decorated with blue tiles and gold leaf ; huge argosies and carracks lying in the harbour , and noblemen everywhere , with stunningly beautiful , dark-eyed ladies on their arms .
23 Two of the black lacquer cabinets had been opened and china lay in little piles outside them on the carpet .
24 While the roots of both bulimia and anorexia lie in childhood and a disordered family background , uncertainty and anxiety in adult life provide the trigger for the illness .
25 The wind was fresh , and although there was no rain , there were puddles along the length of the chestnut avenue , and water lay in the furrows of the ploughed fields .
26 Those whose gifts and tastes lie in a certain direction — people who do not have a head for mathematics — may well have been influenced by this in an early career choice .
27 Both constituents however contain elongated inorganic crystals distributed in an organic matrix and the principal difference between enamel and dentine lies in the proportion of inorganic material to organic material .
28 For example , if the values of c and v lie in the area ABC ( say , c = 0.5 and v = 0.5 as at point E ) then any exogenous change in consumption or investment will generate a damped cycle like that illustrated in Fig. 4 ; it is said to be damped because the fluctuations in real output become smaller and smaller over time .
29 But if the values of c and v lie in the area BCD ( for example , c = 0.5 and v = 1.5 as at point F ) then any exogenous change in spending will generate an explosive cycle like that in Fig. 5 ; in this case , the oscillations get larger and larger over time .
30 Below , in the middle distance , buildings and palms lay in clusters several miles apart .
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