Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] bed " in BNC.

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1 The impulse previously contained or harnessed in the work setting becomes dangerous and inhibiting in bed when there is no alternative outlet .
2 She and Edward would be alone on Grace , and they could batten down and stay in bed for twenty-four hours if they felt like it .
3 His success and the nature of the job mean they lead a glamorous lifestyle , although as he gets up at 4.15am and goes to bed at 9pm weekdays , Simon might not agree .
4 Shannon , constantly mopping her feverish forehead , is , like the giant lizard tied up and thrashing under the floorboards , at the end of his rope , and the party of Texan school teachers he is leading on a ‘ tour of God 's world ’ are incensed about his having put them up in flea-bag hotels and fallen into bed with the teenage student they have brought along .
5 After my friends had left quietly , some two hours later , I undressed and tumbled into bed .
6 ‘ I 'll let you know , ’ and got into bed .
7 He undressed and got into bed .
8 ‘ There 's a doo-dah under the pillow , ’ she said and got into bed .
9 She undressed and got into bed and sat up with her cocoa mug , sipping at it .
10 Pascoe stripped and got into bed .
11 ‘ Very nice , ’ he said again , and got into bed , still immersed in his own thoughts .
12 He undressed and got into bed , switching off the lamp .
13 David and I , when he was ill and got in bed , played the shortened version where you shuffle all the property cards up
14 So we turned the mattress over and got in bed !
15 He successfully accomplished his design by the simple expedient of walking out of the gaol disguised as a workman while his doctor pretended that he was ill and confined to bed .
16 A month later this apparently ‘ happy and contented ’ young lady was back in hospital ‘ in a very confused state and confined to bed ’ .
17 The following year , in Paris , Du Camp was ill , and confined to bed in his apartment .
18 All patients were in hospital and confined to bed for at least 24 hours after ERCP .
19 On a bubble of elation , full of dreams for the future , Lisa switched off the gas fire and headed for bed .
20 Having finished her bag of chips , Buzz licked her fingers , switched the light on , and prepared for bed .
21 Then she locked the door , bolted the garden doors and prepared for bed .
22 Seb undressed and prepared for bed and had just blown out his candle when he heard a noise from the landing just outside his room .
23 He was a clever , devious swine , she reflected bitterly as she cleaned her teeth and prepared for bed .
24 Undressing quickly , he cleaned his teeth and flopped into bed .
25 Jessamy slowly dried herself , pulled on a nightdress and flopped into bed .
26 I fumbled out of my dress and crawled into bed in my underclothes .
27 • Advance your meal times by the same amount as you change your times of getting up and going to bed .
28 • Change your meal times to fit in with your delayed times of getting up and going to bed .
29 I learned afterwards that Mrs McLaren was in the habit of getting up and going to bed so early that night was confused with day ; and having an idea that she must get a message to the man who did her garden , she had gone out before it was light , lost her way , and fallen into the brook , where she was found by a man walking to work .
30 In addition , a quarter of the principal carers provided daily help with getting up , washing face and hands , and going to bed ; the majority also helped with shopping , enabling the sufferer to go out , finances , washing , ironing and house cleaning .
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