Example sentences of "[n mass] [prep] [adj] [noun] into the " in BNC.

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1 The BGS scientists , who are such prominent thesis consulters , as will be shown later , may incorporate data from such maps into the published national map series for which the Survey is responsible .
2 At the time of the fire , government health officials poured the milk from cows grazing across 500 sq.km of Cumbrian land into the sea .
3 At any gathering of the faithful , he will stay up until the small hours debating ideas with all and sundry , pulling people with different backgrounds into the same conversation .
4 ‘ When the government first proposed moving people from institutional care into the community , a government committee appeared to investigate this matter and reported in 1988 , warning that ‘ care in the community is not a cheap option ’ , ’ said Ms Laird .
5 In 1976 it exploded and gave out 290 billion kg of hydrochloric acid into the upper atmosphere and into the ozone layer .
6 These events led to a series of criminal investigations into the affairs of Carrian which began soon after the demise of the companies and culminated in the laying of charges against the applicant and others .
7 The encoding is done by a fine laser beam burning a series of microscopic pits into the disc surface .
8 Between the twelfth and seventeenth centuries , a succession of English monarchs made a series of expansionist forays into the neighbouring country of Ireland .
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