Example sentences of "[n mass] [pron] have [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One evening , as they worked happily together , feeding and attending to the livestock , George said , ‘ I 'll just take a walk along the beck before we settle down , and check those sheep I 've brought down for lambing . ’
2 ‘ But now it is up to the Catholic officials and the county to find the money from the £243,000 I have set aside for church school repairs .
3 Jess thought about the one and sixpence she 'd had already without permission .
4 We had a number of Koi and Goldfish which had lived together for up to ten years and many were quite large .
5 The promise is to provide standards transparency instead of picking one ( or any of the 5m we 've come up with so far ) .
6 The occupier of land may detain any livestock which has strayed on to his land and which is not then under the control of any person .
7 As I watched them , I thought about all the crazy things the people I 've grown up with believe and do .
8 These are n't just people I 've picked up on the street and thought , Ooh let's show some kooky S&M now !
9 These were the kind of people I had pinned up on my bedroom wall , and here I was meeting them .
10 It seemed that NoS was going to be the first to tap the huge reservoir of people who had given up on the papers altogether .
11 In them he tried to recreate the characters of people who had meant much to him .
12 Curiously , he was not deported , a sentence which in the two years immediately after the war was handed down to at least fifty young people who had come over on the Kindertransporte .
13 Ibn Fayoud looked at the place settings , noting that the few racing contacts he had been obliged to invite had sensibly been distributed among the more amusing people who had come up from London .
14 Once I was inside and looking at the space I had and the needs I had identified , I saw my task differently from the people who had come out of production , many of whom , whether men or women , continued to want to master/ mistressmind productions themselves as Executive Producer .
15 We were amazed , however , at the number of people who had found out on the grapevine !
16 He explained that the people who had got on to that ferry would get off in another world , and would never be seen in this one again .
17 There was a goodly stretch of garden between Hilda 's sitting-room and the road , but later that evening at least three people who had passed by on the other side of the wall commented on the row in the Spinners ' Arms .
18 He 's seen old people who 've moved out of homes before and they 've enjoyed it .
20 Savvy : I 'm from the Black Lesbian and Gay Centre project in London and our members include lesbians of First Nation and Third World descent , both people who 've grown up in this country and people who have n't , so we have a very diverse membership .
21 What has been er what has been pleasing is that a n a number of the people who 've come in on the last two or three years or so er are younger people , people in their er late teens or twenties .
22 I think about the year that 's gone past , perhaps , people who 've passed out of my life , and think of it as a new beginning , and I wish as Scots that we would hold on to it and perpetuate that tradition and get away from gathering around the T V in Hogmanay .
23 Erm , the point perhaps of , of , of the thing is , it 's called the Team Focus , and hopefully for that very reason what we 're trying to do is to look at the way in which you can improve your performance together if you like , erm , and it would be very interesting to see what Jack and Linda can contribute to this in that , people who 've worked together for sort of six or seven years , erm , ought to be able to show us something .
24 West Kensington itself was made up of rows of five-storey peeling stucco houses broken up into bed-sits that were mostly occupied by foreign students , itinerants and poor people who 'd lived there for years .
25 You also comment on the willingness of even those people who have suffered directly from terrorist violence to find forgiveness in their hearts .
26 These young people who have grown up under Israeli occupation take a much more radical approach than the PLO leadership .
27 The demand for good songs occurs when people who have grown up with pop are forced to accommodate their love of pop within their new sense of themselves as responsible adults .
28 People who have grown up with the sport when the pressures were not too great perhaps do not always think of others .
29 No I especially hope it will be read by sceptics , by people who have grown up with a kind of psychologically inspired dismissal of religion , people who 've become so sophisticated , so busy they have no time for it , people who are so bemused by technology , by the greatness of human achievement , the computers , the moon rockets , the medical advances , that in their worship of human talent they forget that there 's a point where human power ends and the power of God begins .
30 ‘ There are people who have lived here for more than 20 years and are proud to come from here .
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