Example sentences of "[n mass] [modal v] be [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The analysis of these data should be complete by early 1985 and will be followed by a further survey of key informants and the various development agencies in an attempt to identify the type of projects which might be promoted within the framework of an Integrated Rural Development programme .
2 The tank was then left for four days on the assumption that the fry would be free-swimming in five days .
3 This week the Department of Energy said it believed that sufficient data would be available from other sources to make Super-SARA unnecessary .
4 The area surrounding the nesting site , and eventually the eggs , and the resultant fry will be off-limits to other fish and even the female .
5 A first instalment of 132p will be payable on 11 March , with the 268p balance due later , after completion .
6 They can be kept singularly or in small groups , but ensure the aquarium has plenty of hiding places , for these fish can be aggressive towards one another .
7 From the academic year 1990/1 grants will be frozen , housing benefits for students will cease and top-up loans of up to £420 will be available to all students .
8 Any number of people may be involved in these roles , whilst it would be quite normal for one person to fulfil more than one of these roles .
9 In addition , more people may be subject to early retirement .
10 Some older people may be pre-occupied with these negative aspects of their lives , where the counsellor will be dealing with a lack of personal satisfaction and fulfilment , failed relationships , unfulfilled hopes , and even perhaps with events that elicit feelings of disgrace and shame .
11 People should be entitled to basic benefits . ’
12 My experiences lead me to believe that the police can be racist and the British people should be aware of this .
13 The ward staff should be aware of this problem and give extra support and supervision when necessary .
14 Can the Secretary of State tell us how many people might be involved in this so-called transfer fee racket , which seems to be difficult to administer ?
15 The hon. Member for Ogmore said that the opinion polls demonstrated that only a limited number of people would be interested in total deregulation .
16 Most people will be happy with one pair of good loop-stitched socks inside their boots , but if you are used to wearing two pairs of socks , then take them with you .
17 There will still be a system of rebates for people on low incomes but there will no longer be a minimum contribution — so some people will be entitled to 100 per cent rebates .
18 Small local exhibitions are also being held at the following locations and staff will be available at selected times to answer your questions .
19 The attitude of all care staff will be important to other residents , who may be thinking about how they will be treated at the end .
20 Some people can be ambivalent in this way for years .
21 The idea that people can be sensitive to natural gas is a contentious one , but it is claimed that some people have made dramatic recoveries after removing the gas supply from their house .
22 The loss of key staff can be expensive in other ways too — their contracts may well provide for more costly redundancy provisions than for junior employees .
23 Although there is usually a link between time and resources , this is not always the case and adding more staff can be counterproductive at certain stages of a job .
24 As with legal aid , those on income support or family credit , or with a weekly disposable income of less than £61 will be eligible for free advice and assistance .
25 The original works can be one of those bays .
26 £1,400 shall be payable on 22 December 1989
27 1784 " The Meeting considering that there is now no Charity Schoolmaster in the Parish of Kildaltan , and Therefore the four pounds yearly for said Schoolmaster falls , and the Gentlemen of the Parish of Kildaltan having represented that they wish to have a fund for Purchasing Communion Tables & furms , and that four pounds sterl. will be necessary for that purpose , … agree to stent themselves for the sd. four pounds for this year . "
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