Example sentences of "[n mass] [modal v] [vb infin] [conj] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 A pond that is iced over for just a few days will come to no harm , but in a prolonged freeze , the fish may suffer unless you take precautions .
2 Some people may sprint when they run , but I have seen people running for the bus who could not be described as sprinting .
3 A a a member of staff may feel that they want to say something about a kid , and it does not necessarily have to agree with what the kid
4 In some societies the former is thought more admirable ; people should know if they have done well without public assessment .
5 People should remember that you need attention too , and not ignore you and sneak away from you , People who sneak away from you can not really be your friends in the first place .
6 Every member of staff should feel that they have a stake in the business and by extension , a stake in up-holding a crime free environment .
7 I suppose some people might have but I think I did n't really want to face up to the fact that he might have been that man on the beach . ’
8 ‘ News is news , and newspaper people would argue that they have every right to report it .
9 People will say that they seem to be wishing that the person would hurry up and die , but in reality it seems that this event is the only one that can break the suspended animation of events being acted out in front of them .
10 Many people will say that they do not have the time to pause before acting , but this is a false economy ; if you do not pause then nature has ways of making you stop through illness .
11 But if you do have pe people will say if you do h have those weaknesses and if er there were times that he could was quite up to the joshing and the name calling , there were times when he was n't , the very fact that there were times when he was n't , does n't that tell you that perhaps the Army was n't the place for him ?
12 Their Majesties received us with such extraordinary graciousness that , when I shall tell it , people will declare that I have made it up .
13 I think people will respond if you treat them properly .
14 What is clear , though , is that the bereaved have a special place in God 's kingdom and this should be reflected in his church so that bereaved people can feel that they have at least one known place where they can feel at home .
15 He says I always comes because it 's a celebration of botany and of what people can do if they believe in plants and reach into that wonderful genetic stock of plants and create all these things — that 's why I come .
16 There is an issue about how much choice some people can exercise and I recognise that issue but the idea was not to force anybody to make the move .
17 if you float you 'll stay at the top , some people can float and they do n't need arm bands , they stay at the top and if you sink they go to the bottom , now we 've got to look at these things look and we 've got to decide whether we think they 're gon na float , stay on the top or whether they 're going to sink and go to the bottom , now then what 's this here ?
18 If people can see that you know your job , that you work probably harder than they do , that you communicate with them and tell them what you 're doing , they will respect you .
19 The same as the way that this gentleman has found it 's somebody else making a decision to what people can see and I do n't consider some a show like Pro 's and Con 's which had female nudity and two hundred and fifty people walk out in one night to mean something which I think is enhancing to the playhouse . .
20 And building society , anybody who has a building society account prior to ninety one two if they had n't income really i they were silly to have money in the building society account because they were having tax deducted but could n't get it back and at the same time as the independent taxation they changed the er tax system for building societies and banks which meant that banks and building societies were then deducted tax at the standard rate of twenty five percent and it could be refunded or repaid or not deducted in certain circumstances , so back to your question , anybody who has money in a building society now , or is n't taxable , should ask the building society not to deduct tax , as they 're entitled to do , fill a form and , and where people can state that they do n't , they 're not liable to pay tax , building societies and banks will not now deduct income tax .
21 Unfortunately , people can die before they reach retirement and some of their spouses may have a rude shock when they discover that instead of receiving a huge pension fund , they are entitled only to a return of the premiums .
22 For short time , high temperature bakery items at 200°C–220°C , pre-heating at 300°C will ensure that you bake at the correct temperature ( on average 80° C will be lost whilst loading the oven )
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