Example sentences of "[n mass] [modal v] [verb] [pron] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 People might see it as a joke , but it 's really wearable , ’ says Udo .
2 Nowadays , the majority of people would regard it as a perfectly natural variation to be indulged in should both partners feel like it .
3 I could go anywhere in the world and people would recognize me as an athlete .
4 What I would find off-putting is the idea that people would see me as a divorced man 's bit of light relief .
5 Friends may refrain from expressing any sympathy because they feel that it might be inappropriate and embarrassing for her , and she may be feeling that people will regard her as a hypocrite if she gives way and weeps , although she may need to do this for a variety of reasons , one of them being not so much for what she has lost , but for what she never had .
6 If it is indeed to be a land battle , that inevitably bloody affair will with luck be fast-moving , and people will see it as a struggle fought with a clear aim against an obdurate enemy and plainly moving towards an allied victory .
7 And if you do n't feel that you can fit in a pupil comment , you have to be very careful here because some people will take it as a cop-out and not do it and a that worries me and it has happened and I think it is important that the youngsters are actually given some guidance and the opportunity to do it .
8 Together with the use of the display area it is hoped pupils will be encouraged to use the library as a source of information for homework and classwork on a regular basis and that staff will see it as an important adjunct to their departmental resources .
9 More than half say they would n't be put off a woman if they knew she carried condoms ; only 17% would regard it as a turn-off .
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