Example sentences of "a fall in the " in BNC.

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1 Analysts downgraded four-year profit projections and exposed Lincat to the harsher side of stock market life , culminating in a fall in the share price to 127p .
2 We 've noticed a fall in the demand for allotments . ’
3 Contrary to declarations that there was no government policy for sterling and that it would be left to the markets to decide , by late 1981 the government intervened to reverse a fall in the exchange rate , and raised base rate to 16 per cent .
4 The growth of private home-ownership and car-ownership , reduction in the number of voters dependent on council housing , expansion of self-employment ( up from 1.9 million to 3 million between 1979 and 1989 ) and of employment in the private sector , and a fall in the public-sector employment , may also work against the party .
5 The 1980s , he notes , were the first decade in history in which there was no increase in the area of land farmed and — also for the first time — a fall in the amount of fresh water used per capita .
6 A fall in the price of meat suggests that there is no grain to feed livestock — but by the time this happens the famine is about to begin .
7 Non-farm productivity rose by an annual rate of 1% in the first quarter of this year , barely offsetting a fall in the fourth quarter of 1990 .
8 According to the poll , conducted among directors of the leading 500 companies , 96 per cent of business leaders think a Labour victory would bring higher interest rates , while 83 per cent also expect a fall in the value of the pound against the German mark .
9 Kloof , benefiting from a higher gold yield , lifted net profits R4.77m to R97.7m , despite production losses over the December–January holiday period and a fall in the tonnage of ore milled .
10 There has been a fall in the numbers of beef cows receiving the hill cow subsidy in Scotland from 459,000 in 1975 to 442,000 in 1978 .
11 But uncertainty in the predictability of income , a fall in the real value of headage support ( Figure 2 ) notably for cattle , and the recent cost inflation continue to detract from the confidence required for long-term investment .
12 It has been argued , falsely I believe ( 22 ) , that investment in this sector of agriculture , as has occurred in the lowlands , will necessarily lead to a fall in the rural population .
13 It became clear too , that El Niño coincides with a fall in the trade wind , normally blowing across the Pacific from east to west ( from America to Asia ) , a fall known as the ‘ Southern Oscillation ’ .
14 So poor has been the overall AGR performance , in fact , that it has actually resulted in a fall in the proportion of nuclear electricity produced on the CEGB system .
15 The number of children at the school may have dropped considerably either through competition from other schools or through a fall in the number of children of school age in the neighbourhood .
16 A part of this change was a fall in the number of widowed mothers .
17 While this campaign was in force , Sweden was the only country to register a fall in the reported number of cases of gonorrhoea .
18 The main feature of the demand increase will be a fall in the share of demand accounted for by oil and gas and a rise in coal and nuclear power consumption .
19 A fall in the kitchen
20 During the 1980s both the community and its schools suffered from the severe effects of deindustrialisation , which for the schools was compounded by an above average drop in pupil numbers caused by a fall in the birth rate .
21 Bagley ( 1968 ) found a fall in the rate of suicide in cities with a Samaritan branch when compared with matched cities without Samaritans , where suicide rates increased .
22 increases individuals can afford to lower their peeking rates , B , without suffering a fall in the probability of the flock detecting the cat .
23 We can measure population fairly precisely ; we can tell whether its rise was due to the birth of more children or to men and women living longer , that is , to a rise in the birth-rate or a fall in the death-rate .
24 So far as we can tell , the men-folk ruled in every sphere ; but it may be that the further one got from the world of high feudalism the less of a slave the woman became ; it is certainly true , in a rather different way , that the Norman Conquest brought both a more complete feudalism and a fall in the status of women .
25 Similarly , a fall in the real wage will induce a decrease in the supply of labour .
26 The fall in national income will lead to a fall in the demand for money which will shift the MD line to the left in Fig. 4.4(i) and so reduce the equilibrium rate of interest .
27 Although this will of&et the first-round effects to some extent , the net result is still likely to be a fall in the equilibrium rate of national income .
28 A fall in the interest rate on bonds , for example , will lead to an individual rearranging his wealth portfolio , but this will not necessarily involve a shift from bonds to money ( as in the Keynesian case ) ; it may involve a shift from bonds to some other financial asset or into property .
29 Similarly , a fall in the NUP would shift the inflation-unemployment curve to the left .
30 Similarly , in 1888 a Southern Province mudaliyar attributed a fall in the crime to a magistrate ‘ who was really a terror to evil-doers ’ .
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