Example sentences of "a challenge [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Bulloch was knocked out after 53 seconds of the second round , in a challenge for the British cruiserweight title , by the champion , Johnny Nelson of Sheffield .
2 A challenge for the central NHS Management Executive , from its new home in Leeds , will be to decide how far to retain the traditional ‘ Beveridgian ’ corporate spirit of the NHS , with its principles of universal access to high-quality services , and how much to allow a ‘ Darwinian ’ fragmentation .
3 Clearly , the more prescribed the task the less room for manoeuvre and the less of a challenge for the group .
4 Atkinson admitted : ‘ If we are going to sustain a challenge for the title , there will be opportunities for the younger players .
5 That certain types of knowledge can be applied effectively in so many different contexts and can endure is a challenge for the sociology of knowledge .
6 The main north Pacific current system continues in a clockwise direction — the mixed , cooling waters of the Bering Sea and the Kuro current turning east and then , when they reach the coast in the region of Seattle , turning south to form the cold California current , source of all the San Francisco fogs and a challenge for the more courageous of Oregon sea-swimmers .
7 Much of the walking is fairly rugged and a climb to the top of Merrick ( 2,766 feet ) , 35 miles away , is a challenge for the adventurous .
8 After having a challenge for the domestic middleweight title demolished by Bunny Sterling who stopped him in eight rounds , Hope once more returned with a vigorous sequence of wins culminating in a challenge for the world light-middleweight title held by Eckhard Dagge in Berlin .
9 After having a challenge for the domestic middleweight title demolished by Bunny Sterling who stopped him in eight rounds , Hope once more returned with a vigorous sequence of wins culminating in a challenge for the world light-middleweight title held by Eckhard Dagge in Berlin .
10 Hibiscus , frangipani , bougainvillaea and the glorious colours of the flame tree were a visual feast and a challenge for the camera which I felt unable to cope with at first .
11 ‘ Certainly it is a very poor play — but what a challenge for the actors and how well they rose to the occasion . ’
12 The cribs were not the usual constructions of shoe boxes and straw , with small religious figures and matching sets of the Magi ; they were a challenge for the ingenuity and imagination of each section and would often involve large amounts of gravel , stones , concrete and other building materials .
13 Opinion poll results showed that he was consistently more popular than Bolger with the electorate , and many commentators expected him to launch a challenge for the party leadership .
14 It 's a challenge for the cast , some of whom are severely disabled .
15 The challenge to the Secretary of State for Health 's decision , which was also effectively a challenge of the FPC 's decision and the circular , was misconceived .
16 The problem raised by this theoretical paradox was of significance not only for these particular instances , however important they were in themselves ; it was in fact a challenge to the whole theoretical edifice which Marx and Engels were constructing .
17 This too has its origins in subcultural theory : Hebdige 's hypothesis that the ‘ classy ’ look of Mod style was a challenge to the class structure in sixties Britain , an expression of resilient self-belief .
18 Furthermore , there was a challenge to the legitimacy of the strike from within the leadership of the working class .
19 It was a perfect site because the building , for which a quarter of a million pounds ( £8,250,000 ) had been set aside from the Twentieth Century Fund , was meant to be ‘ a challenge to the Church of England ’ .
20 The nationalists represented a challenge to the Labour establishment .
21 The reference to excuses for crime is likely to be interpreted in some circles as a challenge to the Archbishop of Canterbury , Dr George Carey , who was heavily criticised by Conservatives last year when he implied that urban deprivation was to blame for the Tyneside riots .
22 While Lord Scarman was careful not to enter the political dispute between the Government and the Labour party on issues such as unemployment and housing , his call for more direct action to deal with these problems , along with racial disadvantage , posed a challenge to the political legitimacy of the policies which the Government had followed from 1979 onwards .
23 They totalled seventy-six drawings and made such a lavish display , in a climate so obviously orientated towards a classical outcome , that they could almost be considered as a challenge to the sponsors with their instinctive bias towards classical architecture .
24 She claimed , and this certainly constituted a challenge to the American male :
25 Lamu 's latrines stand as a challenge to the old engineering belief that sewerage is the only feasible system of sanitation for crowded cities .
26 Allometry , the change in the relative size of body organs as an animal grows , has been presented as a challenge to the idea that the most significant characteristics of an animal are shaped by natural selection .
27 IT presents a challenge to the responsible society which can not be ignored .
28 Eroticism has been placed firmly on the feminist agenda , a challenge to the desexualisation of lesbianism which represented a significant strand of seventies ' feminism .
29 There would be a challenge to the present mood of contentment with its angry resentment of any intrusion , but , in the longer run , the general feeling of security in well-being would be deepened .
30 Even Wordsworth 's residence in the Lake District , a non-profit-making area compared to , say , Manchester , and his initial attempt to live off the profession of poetry , represent a challenge to the age .
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