Example sentences of "a central place [prep] " in BNC.

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1 F. The Vikings had a central place at York .
2 Some , like traditional psychologists , even claim a central place for biological motherhood in women 's subjectivity : a special ‘ phylogenetic inheritance that makes maternity the most fulfilling role for women , at least when children are young ’ ( Sherman 1971 : 211 ) .
3 However , he does see the life of one who really understands his situation as giving a central place to what he calls ‘ the intellectual love of God ’ .
4 It recommended that the curriculum should emphasise free creation and co-operative inventiveness rather than passive assimilation , and that the study of history , geography and literature should give a central place to Wales .
5 The blood of the Covenant continues to have a central place within the Christian communion .
6 This troublesome invisibility in the material record is often inversely related to its semantic value , and activity which may well have a central place in the police model of reality can well remain beyond the grasp of the outsider .
7 Helmut Schoeck , the professor of sociology at Mainz , explains the reasons why in a comprehensive analysis which restores the phenomenon of envy to a central place in social motivation .
8 When Frankenberg went to carry out anthropological research in a village on the Welsh borders in the early 1950s he found that the village football team provided ‘ a symbol of village unity and cohesion against the outside world ’ and had ‘ a central place in village social activity ’ .
9 Photography has a central place in the Earth Mysteries field by virtue of Watkins ' status as a Gold Medal list of the Royal Photographic Society .
10 As we noted in the previous chapter , the nation of Israel occupied a central place in the realisation of this hope , serving as the gathering-point of the nations ( Isa. 24:23 ; Zech. 14:9 ; Obad. 21 ) .
11 The New Testament provides strong evidence that the Church occupies a central place in God 's redemptive purpose for the world .
12 This is very true of contemporary civilian politics in Nigeria , where the mass media occupy a central place in the new democracy .
13 The writer in us has to know that we are making it a priority , that we are prepared to let other obligations go in order to play with it , nourish it , accord it a central place in our lives .
14 Anselm 's struggle for this ideal had a central place in his pastoral conception of his archiepiscopal duties , and it requires a somewhat lengthy treatment if its place in his world-view is to be understood .
15 From the beginning , trade liberalisation — cutting import tariffs and abolishing import licences — has had a central place in most Latin reform programmes .
16 These distinctions , highlighted in Fig. 1 , may be called the dualisms of normativism and occupy a central place in normativist thought .
17 In his essay , ‘ In Defense of Anarchism ’ ( 1970 ) , R. P. Wolff does give responsibility a central place in his brief analysis of autonomy .
18 It therefore has a central place in the development of psychoanalytic theory .
19 The notion that humanity was dethroned from a central place in creation requires careful qualification .
20 Schooling also had a central place in such initiatives .
21 As a result , negation falls to take a central place in the ‘ thinking society ’ , and anchoring , as a cognitive process , is not contrasted by an equally important counter-process .
22 It is because values can be most effectively defined and expressed in words that the study of literature claims a central place in humane studies .
23 Science now occupied a central place in the ensuing debate over national efficiency .
24 This theme holds a central place in the discussions and analyses of all work undertaken both in College and in schools .
25 But the idea of citizenship also had a wider impact , particularly in Eastern Europe , where the assertion of civil and political rights against the political dictatorships had a central place in the doctrines of the opposition movements .
26 The trends I have identified here clearly occupied a central place in the political thought of Max Weber , of Marxist thinkers such as Bauer and Hilferding , of Schumpeter , and of their numerous followers and successors .
27 We feel it to be important to dedicate an appeal like this , as the house is more than just bricks and mortar ; it takes a central place in the history of Simon .
28 Some countships were more equal than others : a " greater " count was presumably so called in part because his civitas was richer and more important , for instance , as a central place in one of the regna ( like Angers in Neustria , or Autun in Burgundy ) .
29 It has a central place in biology and interconnects with many disciplines , such as biochemistry , molecular biology , microbiology , botany and zoology .
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