Example sentences of "a large proportion of " in BNC.

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1 A large proportion of gliding accidents and incidents result from launch failures .
2 In practical terms this means The Fix can be placed in a horizontal crack with a large proportion of the stem sticking out and fallen on in the knowledge that the device has been specifically designed to give an increased safety margin .
3 the university has a new duty , we are told : there is a besieging host , everincreasing , of Indians , Africans , Commonwealth people in general , Levantines , who aspire to become university teachers of English literature , and must therefore have a PhD — preferably a Cambridge one ( though it is admitted that a large proportion of them could n't hope to take the English Tripos with much credit — even if they could pass ) .
4 Jeanette Lamb , a research team member at the Institute of Molecular Medicine , John Radcliffe Hospital , Oxford , said : ‘ We have found a cause for mental retardation that may account for a large proportion of the unexplained cases . ’
5 the State both harassed the wealthy commoner with unpredictable exactions when he was alive and claimed a large proportion of his self acquired movable property when he died .
6 We shall therefore only look at some of the writings we could have considered , and concentrate on those works which contain a large proportion of anthropological discussion .
7 In one hospital in an area with a large proportion of Bangladeshis , the Hospital Secretary told me ‘ We rarely need interpreters but we have a list of members of staff who speak various foreign languages ’ — for Bengali there was a porter and a cook — both male .
8 When immigrant children first enter the borough they are sent , if the education department has any doubts about their English , to an assessment centre , and from there a large proportion of them are channelled into reception classes .
9 ‘ White spent much of his life balanced on the boundary between crankiness and brilliance , ’ continues Girouard ; ‘ in the end he fell off on the wrong side , and a large proportion of his last years were wasted in trying to prove that Shakespeare was Bacon .
10 A large proportion of our forces had to be ready to travel to distant theatres of war and it was uneconomic that they should be composed of National Servicemen , admirably though those carried out their duties … .
11 The Army was also promised that a large proportion of the financial savings , which flowed from ending of National Service , would be ploughed back into major re-equipment and barrack rebuilding programmes to make regular service more attractive .
12 Japan shredded a large proportion of the dolphins it hunted and turned them into fertiliser .
13 Someone weighing 9 st ( 57.2 kg ) can have a large proportion of flabby fat or can be trim and taut .
14 By this time , according to the findings of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey , more than three-quarters of the German people regarded the war as lost , and for a large proportion of these the raids played a major part in their loss of hope .
15 A large proportion of the younger generation , growing up during the Nazi era and highly impressionable , had been fully exposed to the suggestive force of propaganda and had succumbed more uncritically than any other section of the population to the emotional appeal of the ‘ Führer myth ’ .
16 Yet this was a period when the English Civil War was at its height ; from the coins themselves we would never have suspected that such a large proportion of minting in the war years of 1639–47 was the result of a commercial agreement between the two countries and not just of the high levels of expenditure caused by the war .
17 Another item on the agenda , relating to the site of a proposed hospital-clinic , suggested how one might covertly raise one of the burning issues of the day , of practical concern directly and indirectly to a large proportion of Kufrans .
18 Few people lived in the north the whole time and in the south a large proportion of the permanent residents were slaves .
19 Exports of motor vehicles and ships accounted for a large proportion of the improvement .
20 With a large proportion of Italian oil imports coming from Libya , Signor Gianni de Michelis , Italian Foreign Minister , warned at the weekend that his country would react ‘ cautiously ’ to any proposal for an oil embargo , the economic sanction which would hit almost instantly at Col Gaddafi .
21 Restoration costs are high , resale may be difficult and French tax will take a large proportion of any profit .
22 The estate was organic from its beginning in the Seventies , with a large proportion of the wonderful Herault wild herb garrigue retained as habitat for pest predators .
23 A large proportion of balls went down the leg side , which was not the ideal means of curtailing the driving of Boon , Briers and Whitaker .
24 It appeared to us then that the scheme which allows us to hand back a large proportion of the business rates was not widely known . ’
25 As was recognized in the US in the 1960s ( David , 1965 ) , the social services have the potential for providing rewarding and socially useful employment for a large proportion of the work-force that can not be absorbed by other sectors of the labour market .
26 He was collecting for over forty years and , as Miller was a regular recipient of Bartram 's shipments , it can be assumed that ‘ a large proportion of plants credited to Miller as introducer consisted of collections by Bartram and if this is true he was probably responsible for the first appearance in the gardens of England of between one hundred and fifty and two hundred plants ’ ( John Hendley Barnhart , ‘ Significance of John Bartram 's Work to Botanical and Horticultural Knowledge ’ , Bartonia Special Issue , 1931 ) .
27 In the diagram ‘ fixed costs ’ include maintenance , head teacher 's salary etc , while a large proportion of the variable costs will be represented by teachers and their salaries .
28 A large proportion of the people who work at a nuclear plant — a total of several hundred for each reactor — are concerned with ‘ health physics ’ , the official description for radiation protection .
29 As the tests currently available occur well into the pregnancy period , this raises important moral and ethical issues , especially as a large proportion of parents are opposed to abortion on any grounds .
30 A large proportion of the local population was actively employed in the wool trade , although it had certainly decreased .
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