Example sentences of "a great opportunity for " in BNC.

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1 It was a great opportunity for registering resentment .
2 ‘ I did n't think I could face the idea of someone else having the job , ’ she laughs , ‘ but it was also a great opportunity for me . ’
3 Shortly after my return , the Governor was to make a tour of Central Burma and it seemed a great opportunity for me to gauge conditions outside Rangoon , so I was invited to accompany him .
4 But Derek is the right age and tomorrow presents a great opportunity for the lad . ’
5 ‘ This is a great opportunity for me .
6 ‘ It looks like I 'll have to put Danny on the bench and that will be a great opportunity for him .
7 A great opportunity for a free summer musical evening
8 And next June is a great opportunity for the Liberal Democrats .
9 This is a great opportunity for LASMO 's team to pit its wits against the best in Britain , have a really enjoyable evening and help a most worthy cause .
10 The 1990s provide a great opportunity for Her Majesty 's Government to demonstrate to our Community partners the validity of the new hybrid approach that the Government have pioneered .
11 Then Wayne Bullimore wasted a great opportunity for Barnsley after he beat Gittens .
12 Charlie Woods , director of Scottish Enterprise 's Scottish and international operations , said that Scotland 's success in attracting the ninth Europartenariat offered a great opportunity for small and medium-size companies to make real progress in realising their ambitions on the European stage .
13 Decreasing mobility and retirement are likely to reduce daytime activities and there will be a greater opportunity for daytime naps , particularly after lunch .
14 It is my contention that entrenchment and cynicism both reflect and serve to heighten an atmosphere of demoralization ; that they arise as a result of a semi-conscious decision by teachers about how to cope with doubts and demands ; that while this stance often seems the only possible option it is a mistake to adopt it ; and that through insight into the dynamics of the decision-making process , a better stance can be found , even in very trying circumstances , that offers a greater opportunity for personal satisfaction and institutional success .
15 Julian Crozier welcomed the development and said , ‘ With the completion of this link there will be a greater opportunity for Northern Ireland jobseekers to access all UK vacancies and beyond that , the European jobs market . ’
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