Example sentences of "a touch too [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She was a little overweight , her hands a touch too pudgy when she reached for various books and took them from the shelves .
2 No argument over the legroom or headroom , but with five adults aboard the middle passenger is forced to perch on a solid hump with neighbours shoulders a touch too close for comfort .
3 In retrospect , though , it was a touch too apparent how many comedians in 1979 thought it was enough just to say , um , ‘ Bleep ’ — rather tamely , nobody got past the bleeper : for shock value , you 're better off with Radio 3 .
4 The sony has a touch too much Broadway slickness for my taste and , despite the presence of bigger name international stars , is not on the whole as well sung .
5 Her sister Sarah had , however , shown a touch too much character for the liking of the headmistress , Ruth Rudge .
6 It sounded just a touch too traditional . ’
7 In the first movement of No. 99 , for example , the cumulative tension of the development is not quite realized — rhythms are a touch too easygoing , the offbeat sf accents too friendly .
8 The following day the dress rehearsal went so smoothly that after giving out his notes — the pause at the end of the third act , before Olwyn opened the cigarette box for the second time , was a whisker too long , and her response to Robert 's line to the effect that she 'd fabricated the person she loved a touch too quick — ; Meredith declared enough was enough .
9 On these more expensive versions the steering 's power assistance also varies with speed but there were times when this felt a touch too sensitive .
10 Also standard on both cars is power steering , perhaps a touch too heavy on the G60 , a touch too light and rubbery on the Calibra .
11 Perhaps they have been a touch too comfortable — but the collapse of Elliot and Michael 's business has put paid to that .
12 Also standard on both cars is power steering , perhaps a touch too heavy on the G60 , a touch too light and rubbery on the Calibra .
13 A laugh which , to Berdichev 's ear , was just a touch too self-confident .
14 They looked up , a touch too surprised .
15 Manzoku and Cool for Cats share a common start before diverging into separate lines ( to describe them as grooves would be a touch too expressive on either side of the crag 's blunt nose .
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