Example sentences of "a kind of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A characteristic archeus — a kind of overseer — was postulated in each organ , responsible for organizing its chemical and metabolic activity .
2 It was a kind of refrain that seemed to mark his life at the moment .
3 His eyes are wide as he gazes around in a kind of apprehension .
4 Heresy became a kind of revolt akin to treason , and Christian missions within imperial territory a means of securing public order .
5 Unlikely though it seemed to students and friends of the scholarly and bespectacled professor , he had at this period worked for what became SOE ( a kind of work for which his precision of mind , excellent memory and linguistic ability pre-eminently qualified him : he contrived among other exploits to smuggle the leader of the Bulgarian Peasant Party out of the country into Turkey in a truck ) .
6 It 's a kind of work encountered with more and more frequency in New York galleries these days .
7 Last night , there he was again between the sections of The Greatest Story ( Signals , C4 ) , a kind of Michelin guide to the Hindu poem generally said to be 15 times as long as the Bible ; a fact I am not inclined to check .
8 It is a kind of debunk manquée , not the whole hog sort that keeps you on the edge of your chair waiting for yet more astounding revelations , but in a snider kind — like those Sunday supplement interviews which are dressed up as journalistic frankness , but whose real purpose is barb and innuendo . ’
9 There is a kind of fatalism in the atmosphere of this place which the officials he meets all seem to share .
10 As Stephen Wood points out in his Introduction to his edited book discussing the de-skilling thesis ( Wood 1982 , 15 ) , Braverman appears to assume ‘ that prior to Taylorism control was not in the hands of management , but was rather a kind of management by neglect ( the laissez-faire method , as Taylor called it ) , in which workers knew more than managers ’ .
11 A a as you and various other people likely said erm a lot of people regarded it as a kind of act of erm racial er disloyalty I 'm not bothered about what race I am , I 'm just bothered about the truth , and the truth is that I think erm Moses was not Jewish well who 's to know , who 's to know erm as I said it 's a fascinating book and if , if you like that kind of detective story approach to history , you , you might , you might enjoy reading it , erm there are , i it raises a lot of other issues , many of which I 'll talk about in the , in the lectures , so I , I wo n't waste time say repeating it all here .
12 We 've started it in our studio , bringing their people into the city or setting up a kind of branch over there where people can work together and so you do n't get the political problems of ownerships , of people saying well that 's your idea , you know , it 's the old thing of as soon as the client thinks that it 's his idea then he wants it , and it 's very hard .
13 Even in the best hotels they tended to view whisky as a kind of pastis and served it for drinking in the French way .
14 Roland considered the pale incisive mouth with a kind of hopelessness .
15 The masquerade of camp becomes less a self-concealment than a kind of attack , and untruth a virtue : many a young man , says Wilde , ‘ starts with the natural gift of exaggeration which , if encouraged could flourish .
16 Of the pole there is no sign , but it was originally so constructed as to act as a kind of lever in order to minimise jolting on rough surfaces .
17 I was conscious of a kind of pause between beginnings and endings .
18 One implication of the neutral theory is that we can use molecular changes as a kind of clock to measure evolutionary events .
19 of course , if the vacancy requirements fluctuate as well , as is the case with contractors , a kind of see-saw effect sets in with the recruitment team oscillating between periods of intense activity and chaos on the one hand , and having nothing to do on the other hand .
20 Even I was terrified the first time it happened , when Art rolled over to our table , gave Tod a kind of rabbit punch that almost broke his neck , and said , incredibly loudly ,
21 Yes , I thought a chinchilla was a kind of rabbit , but it is n't , it 's got a tail .
22 On another level , on a completely different level the book is about Freud 's attempt in my erm in the second edition of I used the analogy of a detective story like Sherlock Holmes or something , or something er i i it , it 's an attempt by Freud to reconstruct specific historical events that may or may not have happened , using a kind of detective 's method because Freud picks up tiny little clues like Moses ' name , the fact that he does n't appear to be able to speak the language in the Bible , he always speaks through an interpreter , and in the Bible this , this is explained away by saying .
23 It was rather a kind of oligarchy , with a strong hereditary element in its composition .
24 A kind of intermediary synthesis of information before its eventual distillation into the monograph form , they contain extensive references to books , reports , periodical articles , etc. , and are often given titles such as Advances in … or Progress in … .
25 ‘ Well , with Jonathan Ross I use a 60 watt Rivera combo with a Twin Reverb as a kind of satellite , and a Korg A3 for effects .
26 A rather more promising approach might be to treat the existential quantifier itself as a kind of predicate — a second-level predicate to be precise — which , in our example above , says something about the " first-level " predicate " is human " , namely that the latter can be completed to produce a true proposition .
27 All the same , Melanie folded the letter and kept it among the knickers and handkerchiefs in her chest of drawers , as a kind of talisman , to remind her the past was real .
28 But the Rector , the Rev William Mompesson , stood firm and declared a kind of quarantine , setting bounds round the parish beyond which no-one was supposed to pass .
29 Enoch Powell later cited this indication of my position as a kind of pledge from which , when events turned out as they did , I should have had the whole Cabinet 's leave formally to withdraw .
30 We are suggesting , in effect , that this can be used as a kind of litmus test of appropriateness against which professional approaches can be measured .
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