Example sentences of "a hour [subord] we " in BNC.

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1 In the siding , the carriages would be unheated and unlit and would come to life again only about an hour before we left on the day after tomorrow .
2 ‘ It 's over an hour since we last used the tap , ’ April corrected her .
3 ‘ It 's getting on for an hour since we left Cartier . ’
4 About an hour after we 'd left Sudbury we stopped briefly for under five minutes at a place called Cartier and then went on again .
5 And maybe an hour after we 'd be on three quarter rivets .
6 ‘ Not an hour after we arrived .
7 An hour after we were supposed to meet you .
8 Well , they moved off and then just getting back to sleep must of been half an hour after we 'd and heard this voice shout what you doing ?
9 Often they come in about half an hour after we 've gone to bed , so you 're still not quite asleep .
10 within an hour so we
11 Erm so she said , she 'd rather just have fifteen or sixteen of us and just do an hour cos we 'd learn a lot more which is very true .
12 Consider , for example , finding the following notice on someone 's office door : ( I ) I 'll be back in an hour Because we do n't know when it was written , we can not know when the writer will return .
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