Example sentences of "['s] [num ord] [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 I found myself , by a curious alchemy of eye and ear , wondering at things in Don Quixote and Brahms 's Second Symphony that I had neither noticed nor pondered before .
2 This was Peter Lorre 's first film but he had been acting for ten years in a career which had begun with his running away from home at the age of 15 and which bore many similarities to the careers of other American and European actors who had arrived in Hollywood already .
3 I thought the part that , you know , she forgot it er well I know she did n't forget it , she just did it on purpose , but three days after my birthday it 's her wee brother 's first birthday and she had , she had the nerve to ring me up and invite me to her brother 's first birthday party accept and go up there with a present and a card and all and she could n't even have rang me up to say happy birthday So I have n't
4 I 'd once had to miss a rendezvous with him after he 'd done his own stripping vicar act for some giggling secretary 's twenty-first birthday and he 'd shot out of the pub stark bollock naked to find me somewhere else .
5 The powerful Goellner , 6ft 5in , put out Petr Korda in Paris last month to help boost his ranking to 34 , but showed at Queen 's last week that he has a game for grass .
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