Example sentences of "['s] [coord] [adj] [noun] ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless for many industrial workers the station was their gateway to one week 's or two weeks ' escape from mill and factory , and they rejoiced at its sight .
2 Those of us who have criticised the Government 's and western nations ' lack of urgency in providing appropriate assistance to the Soviet Union will also welcome the new steps and the energy that is being shown in this area If , as the Prime Minister rightly says , the protection of non-proliferation is the absolute key to world peace , why are the Government seeking to increase the number of nuclear warheads that are carried on Trident , when they have the option of keeping the number the same , at a time when the rest of the world is decreasing them ?
3 Magistrate Pamela Long made an order under the Children 's and Young Persons ' Act banning publication of details which might lead to the baby 's identity .
4 Then er on a Saturdays our slaughterhouse was , our slaughterhouse was still open up the street then and we used to perhaps kill twelve , fourteen pigs for private people , but they had to give their ration up , six months ' or twelve months ' ration up to have these pigs .
5 But it had no relevance , and its guardians remained mute ten years ago , when bombs , with the United States ' and allied governments ' blessing , fell like rain on women and children in Cambodia ( Shawcross 1979 ) , or when the same governments aid and support other political/military regimes exercising mass terror and partial genocide against a subjugated people ( Chomsky and Herman 1979a , 1979b ) .
6 The heaviest losses were sustained by members of so-called " excess-of-loss ( LMX ) spiral " syndicates which specialized in reinsuring each others ' and other companies ' exposure to high-level catastrophe risks .
7 The membership remained largely moribund until the First World War , although the title of the union had been somewhat pretentiously changed to the National Agricultural Labourers ' and Rural Workers ' Union ( N A L R W U ) in 1912 .
8 However , some last-ditch defence by Karpov enabled him to reach a drawn rook and pawn endgame after 94 moves and a total of nine hours ' and 20 minutes ' play .
9 While the recruits and their visitors enjoy the day , the staff and students of the Warrant Officers ' and Non-Commissioned Officers ' Wing continue their work .
10 Elsewhere , in the Warrant Officers ' and Non-Commissioned Officers ' Wing accommodation , there is another end-of-course party in full swing .
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