Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] had [vb pp] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 He was realizing what a change Tess 's confession had made to his whole life .
2 Other reports , citing Saddam Hussein 's reference on Sept. 16 to the government 's " lack of serious action " , claimed that Hammadi 's dismissal had stemmed from his failure to tackle the country 's economic problems .
3 Riddle 's wound had bled over his shirt collar .
4 An armoured glove filled with a sadist 's hand had reached into his heart and torn out his joy in life and put in its place a seemingly permanent sense of loss and despair .
5 Prior to the election Miyazawa 's position had improved through his successful enactment — with the support of the centrist Komeito ( Clean Government Party ) and the Democratic Socialist Party ( DSP ) — of the controversial Peace Keeping Operations ( PKO ) bill which allowed members of the Japanese Self Defence Forces to participate in overseas missions conducted under the auspices of the UN .
6 When Sabrina 's dossier had arrived on his desk from the FBI Director he was initially sceptical about her abilities but quickly changed his mind after meeting her .
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