Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] was [adj] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Rourke 's growl was indecipherable to Lissa , but Adam seemed to take it in his stride .
2 Buckingham 's influence was responsible for Crowe 's being entrusted with the delicate mission of pawning some of the duke 's and king 's jewels at Amsterdam in 1626 , his being created baronet in 1627 , and his appointment as treasurer of the navy in March 1627 .
3 Professor Dudek 's name was familiar to Leonard beyond the academic sphere , in the ( to him ) much more important and fascinating area of poetry , in which Leonard was now inextricably enmeshed .
4 This one was a joint invitation ; alongside Pete 's name was that of Alina Peterson , the Russian girl 's newly-adopted identity .
5 But the very mention of Greg Martin 's name was painful to Hugo .
6 Then her mother 's head was heavy against Hari 's shoulder , the hands that had clasped her fell away and the tortured breathing had died away to an ominous silence .
7 Lorne 's role was that of Gary , the nogoodnik father .
8 As Turnbull 's number was pressed-out in London the group of numbers , converted into digital pulses , sped on their way to Sydney via Mondial House , the British Telecom international switching centre in London , to the Post Office tower and west across Britain via the main microwave link down to the earth satellite station at Goonhilly in Cornwall .
9 As it is not recorded until the work of Hermann and Florence of Worcester , who states that the saint speared Swegen from his horse , it would not be impossible to consider this story a reaction to taxation by the Normans ; but if it did originate earlier it too conceivably had something to do with Edmund 's increasing popularity , and if Florence 's version was current in Cnut 's time he can not have been flattered by the notion that Edmund had disposed of his father in a similar way to that in which St Mercurius was believed to have killed the emperor Julian the Apostate .
10 Holly 's shoulder was high above Chernayev 's .
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