Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] was [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was widely thought , for instance , that too much of the team 's money was going to the Fittipaldi family and too little into the preparation of the car .
2 Incredibly , Nahum 's sister was sitting by the window with some needlework .
3 Then it was gone ; and Bigwig 's fur was blowing in the whack of wind that followed it down the hedges .
4 At least it showed that the girl 's mind was working in the right direction .
5 She liked the nights in the country better ; the mixed smells of the town contained more human corruption : the health of animal dung 's pungency was missing in the ammoniac whiffs from the town culvert , and the touch of the air was never quite as lively as in the yard .
6 When at last she got out of the hotel Anna 's car was moving down the drive .
7 Austin Donnellan went on trial at his own insistence because he said he was unhappy with the way the disciplinary committee at London University 's King 's College was dealing with the case .
8 As Aldhelm 's blood was blackening on the stone , so fragments of lichen and stone-dust were embedded in Aldhelm 's wounds .
9 Goreng 's superior was coming to the end of his tour of duty .
10 But the Queen , horrified to learn that her favourite son 's marriage was heading for the rocks , could not utter the words of comfort the agonised redhead most needed to hear .
11 The city 's importance was owing to the new Emperor , Charles Habsburg , succeeding his grandfather in 1519 to become Charles V. The House of Habsburg held Germany and Spain , and Milan and the eastern end of Lombardy held the key to a potential land bridge between the two — a bridge desired by Charles and feared by France .
12 We finally departed from the house as the pillager 's husband was scrabbling through the kitchen drawers in search of a rubber band he knew he 'd once seen in there somewhere …
13 Elaine 's elbow was resting on the edge of hers and her hand was supporting her head .
14 Adam 's wife was expounding on the trials of being the mother of a pre-school-age daughter .
15 It was a sunny day and Gorman 's head was glistening in the sun .
16 The INRI above Jesus 's head was glinting in the sunlight .
17 By now , however , Tito 's resolve was hardening in the light of his troops ' successes .
18 The creature 's underside was startling against the indistinct background .
19 The marriage contract reveals that Martin 's father was living on the rue St Louis in the parish of St Barthélemy , and establishes his address and presence in Paris in 1666
20 He added that the children 's father was working in the United States .
21 A child 's voice was screaming in the darkness .
22 Men were bellowing fortissimo women screaming in order to be heard but Charity 's voice was cutting through the uproar effortlessly .
23 Charlie 's voice was dwindling down the corridor .
24 By now the Emperor 's army was approaching from the south , led by one of his most able generals , Marshal Otto Blucher .
25 She could hear a tiny voice somewhere , talking and pausing , as if somebody 's radio was interfering with the music , but by the time she left the room it had stopped .
26 He saw that Monsieur Hulot 's Holiday was coming to the cinema this weekend .
27 And carry them , either carry them , or push them on a two-wheeled trolley , all through the round the lace market to 's , and various other And if I were lucky , and the 's van was going round the lace market , and I 'd got three or four parcels , I used to go with little Tommy and his horse and van , round the lace market , and he was delivering dress goods then .
28 Mrs Wright 's gun was leaning against the wall .
29 JTR 's informant was translating from the Gaelic .
30 But brother Bobby felt that Sinatra 's lifestyle was damaging for the President 's image .
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