Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] was [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 This was particularly true in relation to many of the primaries immediately following the New Hampshire contest , which were due in Southern states where Duke 's support was expected to be strongest .
2 Fleming 's Level was expected to be 35 fathoms before intersecting the lode and was assessed at a likely £4 : 10s. per fathom with £23 10s. for the metals and sleepers .
3 Russian opposition to the concession even as it stood was defused by presenting the Persian text to the Russian delegation when the Russian 's translator was known to be out of town .
4 On admission , the child 's condition was said to be good , and she had fully recovered by the autumn .
5 Vanguard had performed well in the 1974 elections but , as Sarah Nelson notes , ‘ The VUP 's future was bound to be in doubt once it shed its two distinctive Vanguard features : militant opposition to British domination and alliance with workers and paramilitants . ’
6 ‘ In particular , ’ the FT wrote , ‘ Smith 's management was said to be uncommunicative regarding the DIY business , although an analysts ’ visit next week is intended to set out future strategy . ’
7 In the late 18th century a quarter of all Claude 's work was said to be in the possession of about fifty English Gentlemen ; of which Green saw four at Holker Hall .
8 Around 10 per cent of Albania 's population was estimated to be Catholic .
9 Benin reportedly agreed to the extradition , also described as an abduction , following the decision of the CAR to provide a grant of 1,000 million francs CFA ( US$3 million ) to Benin and with the assurance of the acquiescence of France , which , according to Africa Confidential of Oct. 6 , was " anxious to reduce its costly military presence " in the CAR without destabilizing the government , to which Bozize 's group was considered to be a threat .
10 The ore in God 's Blessing was thought to be rich in gold !
11 The King 's criticism was believed to be in response to recent Saudi demands that he publicly apologize for Jordan 's position in the Gulf war .
12 Yesterday 's event was intended to be a re-creation of the ‘ people power ’ uprising that swept Mrs Aquino to office .
13 See Prime v. Hart/it. 1978 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 71 , where intimation of an objection to the applicant 's agent/employer was held to be sufficient intimation in terms of the section .
14 Hilali 's replacement was believed to be related to problems encountered in the organization of a new national examination system .
15 As it turned out , Leslie 's baby was destined to be born in England after all , for Lee was transferred back after three months .
16 Moreover , the duke 's authority was expected to be only temporary .
17 Moreover , the duke 's authority was expected to be only temporary .
18 It would seem that the bidder , in these circumstances , has no remedy against either the seller or the auctioneer because the sale was expressly subject to a reserve price and the auctioneer 's authority was known to be so limited .
19 A married man 's pall was expected to be supported by his married friends ; if single then bachelor colleagues would perform the duty ; likewise for spinsters — but not so for children ( except in certain rural areas ) , married women or widows , when the responsibility was delegated either to adult male relatives of the deceased or the undertaker 's own men .
20 Over 17 hands high , he had a girth which measured seventy-nine inches ( Secretariat 's girth was thought to be remarkably large at seventy-six inches ) and housed a heart which after his death tipped the scales at fourteen and a half pounds : the average for a Thoroughbred is around ten pounds .
21 But perhaps Charles 's realm was intended to be rather more than a prospective one .
22 The assertion that Bayezid 's reign was felt to be essentially a godless one finds confirmation in the view taken by the earliest Ottoman historians of the crushing defeat suffered by Bayezid at the hands of Timur in 1402 near Ankara and the subsequent chaos in the Ottoman state .
23 A TUMOUR removed from actress Audrey Hepburn 's colon was found to be cancerous , a hospital spokesman confirmed last night .
24 A TUMOUR removed from actress Audrey Hepburn 's colon was found to be cancerous , it was revealed today .
25 But the last time such an exercise was undertaken in 1985 , Britain 's pension was found to be the lowest , apart from that paid in Ireland ( Spain , Portugal and Greece were excluded ) .
26 Mugabe 's position was said to be supported only by his wife Sally Mugabe , Foreign Minister Nathan Shamuyarira and Vice-President Simon Muzenda .
27 The bid failed because the estate 's value was considered to be less than the ‘ knockdown price ’ of £10 million at which the Prince had persuaded Mr Kluge to offer it to the nation , with some assessments valuing the estate at between £2 and £7 million .
28 In one unreported case , a threat to the woman 's boyfriend was held to be insufficient .
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