Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] of [noun] with the " in BNC.

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1 These include : ratings of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with housework , child-care , marriage , employment work and life generally ; an assessment of the women 's level of identification with the housewife role , and the level of definition applied to housework standards and routines ; an assessment of the marriage relationship as ‘ segregated ’ or ‘ joint ’ on the two dimensions of leisure activities and decision-making , and , lastly , an assessment of the husband 's part in the division of labour as reported by his wife .
2 Certainly there is Biblical precedent for splashing out on special occasions — Martha 's anointing of Jesus with the expensive ointment could easily be used as a justification for spraying around a little champagne to hansel a special occasion .
3 This ruled out ( for example ) affective measures of attitude which might well also be capable of yielding insight into the individual 's degree of integration with the group .
4 It became a dominant element in the PSP campaign ( on 9 January Escalante publicly acclaimed Beijing 's position on Cuba ) , along with a defence of Castro 's foreign policy and critical references to Khrushchev 's strategy of accommodation with the United States .
5 It is this belief in the essential unity of life that underlies Gandhi 's feeling of affinity with the animal kingdom and his support for cow-worship .
6 Pointing out the potential damage caused by jostling , breathing , perspiring crowds , Ms Rowell noted further that necessary protective devices destroy the visitor 's feeling of intimacy with the artwork .
7 We are recommen , I will move that we amend the County Council 's policy of consultation with the borough and district councils , by increasing the three week period referred to in the report , under er paragraph six , to six weeks .
8 Japanese officials promised continued aid and investment in ASEAN countries , and in a letter to President Aquino of the Philippines on March 4 , Japanese Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu said that Japan 's policy of co-operation with the region would not change .
9 The League added that the USA 's suspension of contacts with the PLO encouraged Israel " in its occupation and oppression " of the Palestinians .
10 The same goes for St Rita 's Hospital of Lebowa with the surrounding villages of Kwandebele .
11 He had not been seen much in recent years , and Peggy Pine — who was Mother Francis 's line of communication with the outer world — said that he was now in a wheelchair as a result of a stroke .
12 ( 20 ) The target 's memorandum of association with the court order annexed to it ( CA 1985 , s425(3) ) .
13 I first became fully aware of Mr Kinnock 's lack of ease with the written word when he and I did a half-hour TV Breakfast Time discussion , shortly before he became Labour leader .
14 For any distribution , we can write generally For our particular distribution of δ , assumed uniform on [ 0 , 1 ] , equation ( 10 ) can be rewritten and rearranged as : Insertion of ( 11 ) into ( 9 ) yields Equation ( 12 ) shows the marginal member 's evaluation of compliance with the norm of union membership associated with a union of size M. To find pairs of ( w , M ) at which the marginal member is indifferent between joining and abstaining , totally differentiate ( 12 ) to obtain the membership demand curve , denoted by MD : where the denominator is negative by strict concavity of .
15 This is readily apparent when one considers not export patterns alone , though they themselves have been distortive to an extent , but Britain 's balance of trade with the EEC countries .
16 Cuba 's balance of trade with the Soviet Union was also to be assessed in US dollars ) .
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