Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] as a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Payments terminated on 31 May 1753 , but evidently no ill feeling marred the end of Miller 's contract as a few years later he dedicated to the Duke the beautiful Figures of Plants ( 2 vols. ) which had been published in parts from 1755–60 .
2 Eventually these ideas coalesced into the belief that Germany 's rise as a new state and as an industrial power was being hampered by uncertainty over the unreliable national loyalties of the Slav peoples in the east , by the back-stabbing machinations of the Jews inside Germany , and by the threat of communism that came in both Slav and Jewish forms .
3 The Chancellor has evidently made it clear to Moscow that West Germany respects East Germany 's existence as a separate state , that it does not want to alter the present military set-up of Nato and the Warsaw Pact , and that although it aims to overcome the division of Europe , this does not also apply to the political division of Germany — at least for the foreseeable future .
4 The chief executive of Newcrest Mining , the joint-venture partner which had planned to mine the site , denounced Hawke 's decision as a dangerous precedent .
5 As she feared , her mother took Miss Hatherby 's decision as a social slap in the face and blamed her daughter for wasting an opportunity .
6 Many will see Mr De Klerk 's decision as a back-handed tribute to the independence of the judiciary .
7 BIG COUNTRY 'S rebirth as a major force in rock has its roots in the band 's darkest hour .
8 It must be stressed that if the record of a lease of land by Offa to Oswald , bishop of the South Saxons , in 772 ( CS 208 : S 108 ) is what Stenton called it — a ‘ patent forgery ’ — there is no evidence for Offa 's presence as a dominant factor in South Saxon affairs until the late 780s .
9 Ewa Kuryluk , in her study of female creativity , Veronica and Her Cloth , focusses on the saint 's veil as a key symbol of the act of representation : she created the vera icon or true image of Christ 's face , when she wiped his face and it was miraculously printed on the cloth in blood , sweat and tears.5 The body of art is born of the body itself , and women have a special relation to the fecundity , through their ascribed — and actual — part in the reproductive cycle .
10 Allan 's experience as a primary school teacher is another rich source of ideas .
11 The first part of this work will accordingly be aimed at elucidating the totality of Nizan 's experience as a communist writer/intellectual in the political and historical context of interwar French society .
12 Markovic reiterated that the Alliance 's programme would be based around the successful programme of his federal government , and would aim at preserving Yugoslavia 's unity as a pluralist community of equal nations and nationalities .
13 That had been Joe 's ambition as a young man .
14 Whereas some researchers had treated women 's supportiveness as a straightforward sign of their socialisation into powerlessness and deference , or as signs of what Lakoff would term ‘ insecurity ’ or ‘ approval seeking ’ , Fishman considers supportiveness a creative and skilful strategy women use in order to have some kind of control in conversation with men .
15 Nizan 's itinerary as a revolutionary writer is the record of a ceaseless interrogation on the problematical link between the ideological objective of literature as the site of political consciousness-raising in the here and now , and the aesthetic objective of literature as the site of universal and lasting values .
16 It is necessary , in other words , to recognise that Nizan 's itinerary as a communist intellectual , his understanding of the Soviet experience , must be placed in the context of the interwar period .
17 The authorities have taken pains to represent Niyogi 's murder as a factional fight between extremists .
18 Here , they can combine a professional career with the joys of rural living : Richard 's practice as a chartered surveyor is an easy eight minutes ' drive away , just long enough to ‘ listen to the traffic reports and think of all those people on the M25 ! ’
19 The SLL was opposed to women 's suffrage as a bourgeois demand , but fully supported the right of women to work outside the home .
20 The boys barricaded the gates and mounted the city walls , a move probably as much a result of a popular rebellion against Lundy 's action as a defiant gesture .
21 In 1874 the Bishop of Beverley adopted it as a public institution and the Bishops of England passed a resolution to recognise St. John 's Institution as a Catholic Institution for England and to assist in the cost of its foundation .
22 The Staufer understood the pope 's reply as a sharp refusal .
23 The question of Germany 's role in NATO and the organization 's future as a European security bloc in the post-Cold War era continued through much of 1990 .
24 a legendary monster said to have been born to a wealthy lady who had referred to a beggar 's child as a nasty pig .
25 ‘ Her skin 's cold as a dead snake 's . ’
26 The value of Hayek 's work as a representative theory of liberalism lies for us in its rigour and its comprehensiveness and in the fact that it is acutely aware of the importance of law .
27 There is no straightforward coherence in this literature except in the use of the phrase ‘ sociology of knowledge ’ and in the reference to Mannheim 's work as a formative influence .
28 It was awarded in recognition of my father 's work as a leading educationalist .
29 His daughter Agnes , married to Robert Huberd , citizen and mason of London , carried on her father 's business as a monumental mason and in 1358–9 was paid £106 18s. 11d. for the alabaster tomb of Queen Isabella , widow of Edward II , set up in the church of the London Greyfriars .
30 Fiat 's defence lawyers hailed the court 's move as a sensible conclusion which would leave it to the court of appeal to determine whether the four defendants should be tried in another city .
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