Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] that a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It must always have been a real hope on Wilfrid 's part that a king of Northumbria from another branch of the royal family or from a noble line claiming royal descent would be more favourably disposed towards him than the descendants of Oswiu .
2 It upheld the industrial tribunal 's decision that a man in comparable circumstances would also be dismissed .
3 Angelica 's thinking that a bag of garbage has probably been carried along on the night swell and has become caught up amongst the pillars and the metal cross-tics ; there will always be somebody who 'll think that a couple of heavy stones and a drop out over the deepest part of the lake are an adequate way of disposing of all their empty cans and peelings and plate-scrapings .
4 MPs were taken by surprise when Labour managed to secure an emergency debate yesterday on last week 's announcement that a defeat on the social chapter would not prevent ratification of the treaty .
5 In its style , the work recalls some of Prowse 's Jacobean productions , and when at the end a backcloth spattered with blood covers the wall and the line from Marlowe , about Christ 's blood streaming in the firmament , is spoken , Wilde 's belief that a work of art could be neither moral nor immoral has been overturned .
6 In general , this reflects the group 's belief that a member of parliament can intervene with the bureaucracy on the group 's behalf .
7 With strong evidence that the disclosures to date represent only the tip of the iceberg , the State President 's claim that a commission of inquiry would create a climate of distrust verges on self-parody .
8 It was not until the last decade of Nicholas 's reign that a Governor of Eastern Siberia began recommending a forward policy in northern China , and not until the accession of Alexander II that he gained the ear of the tsar .
9 Last Friday the civil servant in charge of government policy on radioactive waste management reiterated Whitehall 's position that a solution to the disposal issue would have to wait for a future generation .
10 It is worth describing in some detail the evolution of the Inservice Panel , since it is the evaluators ' judgement that a number of lessons might be learnt from its somewhat chequered career .
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