Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] have [adv] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Ten percent of last year 's income had again been designated for outward giving , the sum of £1,754 going to such national charities as the Emily Fund for abused children and the Church Housing Trust , and £844 for Kurdish and Romanian victims and other overseas causes .
2 Harsnett 's text has long been seen as one of the established sources for Lear , but in Greenblatt 's analysis a more challenging question is posed : which way was the borrowing ?
3 Oxford District Health authority say they ca n't commentbecause of the threat of legal action , but they say Jasmine 's case has already been acted on .
4 Eddie Browning 's case has now been re-opened with a police inquiry .
5 And colleagues told him a body matching his daughter 's description had already been found .
6 He mused for a time over alternative means of strengthening control , even on the possibility of a Minister replacing Citrine as chairman , but in the end he accepted the logic of the independent Morrisonian public corporation on which Labour 's nationalisation had ostensibly been based .
7 The country 's elite have already been sounded out by Taylor to scrap appearance money , as well as the win and draw bonuses that have existed since Don Revie 's era .
8 The well and the warden 's cottage have now been restored with money raised by an appeal fund .
9 A cheque for £99,999,999 spewed out by Great Aycliffe Town Council 's computer had already been signed once when it was spotted by council leader Arun Chandran .
10 The subjects in Mattila 's study had all been admitted to hospital for acute myocardial infarction .
11 Because today 's mail had already been sorted before the dispute began , local residents and companies were able to pick up their post from the sorting office .
12 I explained that Harry 's car had already been driven away .
13 Herr Kohl 's coalition has also been punished at the polls .
14 Governor 's rule had initially been imposed for a maximum six-month period ( as provided for under the state Constitution ) on Jan. 19 [ see pp. 37183-84 ] .
15 Writing in June 1283 from Monflanquin , Jean de Grilly informed Edward that Armagnac 's proctor had already been sent to deliver the castle and town of Auch to the seneschal of Toulouse , to be held in liege homage from the French crown .
16 Although written many years ago , Lady Chatterley 's Lover has just been reissued by the Grove Press , and this pictorial account of the day by day life of an English game-keeper is full of considerable interest to outdoor-minded readers as it contains many passages on pheasant raising , the apprehending of poachers , ways to control vermin and other chores and duties of the professional game-keeper .
17 What emerges from these scantily recorded years is that by the time of the first minuted meeting , in January 1907 , and which was probably held in the manager 's office at the Henley branch of Reading bankers , J. and C. Simonds , much work towards the Club 's formation had already been accomplished .
18 The mother 's boy had never been laid in his life , and your sister was his graduation present from the other two .
19 Spain 's pro-Europeanism has long been based on the belief that Europe was needed to defend Spain 's fledgling democracy .
20 Ken Livingstone was now in power , and the Women 's Committee had just been formed .
21 Mr Justice Higgins 's home had already been attacked in February 1987 , and in mid-1988 three civilians were killed in a landmine attack on a car thought to belong to him [ see p. 36238 ] .
22 In Newham seven were in hospital at referral , one was at home but his admission to an elderly person 's home had already been negotiated and the development officer agreed with this decision .
23 Mr Kerry 's home has now been sold for over twenty thousand pounds less than he paid …
24 Though the apolitical villain was fairly quickly apprehended , Churchill 's portrait has just been discovered in a police raid on a suspected handler .
25 Probably the paper did n't even have wire service , and if it did , he 'd bet a dime that anything which had come in about the book 's author had simply been buried in the chaos then reigning in the newspaper office .
26 The Steward 's group had presumably been discovered entering the semi-ruinous domestic quarters of kitchens , bakehouse , larders and so on , at that side .
27 France went to war with less than 150 planes , and Germany few more ; nevertheless , after the first month the Commandant 's opinion had already been refuted by Galliéni 's use of aircraft to spy out von Kluck 's classic mistake on the Marne .
28 The government 's aim has always been to attract foreign investment ; only its tactics have changed as the tiny city-state ( 639 sq km ) matures and looks for more sophisticated investors to help it achieve the longed-for ‘ developed nation ’ status by 2030 .
29 Julia 's reaction 's now been completed .
30 BARB 's product has recently been upgraded to take account of the changing marketplace and the increasing use of computers by agency media departments .
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