Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [is] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS — Chandos has announced two important signings — Richard Hickox ( an announced in brief in a previous issue ) , and the BBC PO and new Principal Conductor Yan Pascal Tortelier ; Hickox 's contract is for a minimum of 27 releases ( nine per year ) including both choral and orchestral recordings .
2 Shakespeare 's poet is in a frenzy , possessed by the spirit of artistic creation .
3 With the folks back home still seething after last week 's World Cup disaster in Norway , Taylor 's future is on a knife-edge .
4 With the folks back home still seething after last week 's World Cup disaster in Norway , Taylor 's future is on a knife-edge in his opening US Cup game in New England 's Foxboro stadium .
5 The evaluators ' impression of the panel 's work is of a number of talented and committed individuals , representing several interest groups within education and the library services but sharing a common interest in developing effective learning , who have managed to achieve much in the absence of a really effective committee .
6 Auntie 's laugh is like a man 's laugh — deep and loud .
7 Phillip 's riposte is with a sale of chess sets and related items including a mid-nineteenth-century carved ivory set with the pieces in the form of monkeys .
8 JJ 's music is like a breath of fresh air .
9 May I take the liberty of reminding the right hon. Gentleman of his relative 's famous quote in relation to his own personal position : that each man 's life is like a diary in which we set out to write one account and finish up writing something different and that our most humble moment comes when we compare what we have written with that which we intended to write .
10 Heather is the artificially-inseminated daughter of a lesbian couple , while Daddy 's Roommate is about a father who leaves the family home to move in with his male lover .
11 Sleeping with the succuba who may be disembowelled but also disembowelling , Eliot 's speaker is in a position analogous to that of the eunuch priest ; poetry like sex here points to horrible death and finds expression for that concept in the language of the rituals of primitive religion and mythology .
12 Suppose that the Bank 's forecast is for a shortage of liquidity in the monetary sector , that the monetary sector will recall some of its discount market loans and the houses will be forced to offer bills for sale to the Bank .
13 At the wheel of the XJR-S on a traffic-laden A11 , pushing the big car past streams of trucks at high speed , Brundle 's driving is like a chauffeur 's : it looks as if anybody could do what he is doing .
14 Perry once said in NME that ‘ everything I do with Jane 's Addiction is about a rush .
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