Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [to-vb] [adv prt] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Washington 's fear of devaluation is reflected in Johnson 's decision to set up a Special Study Group in the middle of 1965 to examine the implications of the weakness of sterling for the dollar and the Bretton Woods international monetary system .
2 Reliant 's decision to bring out a British-made sports car follows its success with the revamped Sabre , which sells at £15,000 .
3 Meanwhile , Francois Boutin 's bid to pull off a clean sweep of the French Classics rests with Accommodating in the French Oaks at Chantilly on Sunday .
4 After the failure of Hawkins 's attempt to open up a regular slave trade with South America , the English had paid only infrequent visits to the west coast of Africa , though a company to trade with ‘ Ginny and Binny ’ ( Guinea and Benin ) had been launched in 1618 .
5 The Council 's initiative to set up a multi-professional group to address the borough 's drugs problem was well conceived for it allowed , for the first time , the information and concerns picked up by various parties in relation to heroin to be pulled together .
6 It is in an organisation 's interest to set out a formal procedure for resolving risk concerns .
7 The Titfords were a little different — Charles Frederick had decided to use his share of father 's estate to set up a modest retail business , one which his mother and sister could contribute towards when he was in London himself , and one which they could perhaps handle efficiently without him when he departed on his sporadic travels around the world .
8 Pluralists agree with Mills that it is a post-war phenomena and arises due to the United States ' need to take on a new world role The military fill the political vacuum which exists in foreign policy-making , and this brings them into close contact with the industrial firms which prospered out of the Second World War .
9 It asked the officers to reflect on the discussions which led up to , and followed the issue of , Partnership in Validation , and subsequently accepted the advice offered in an officers ' paper to set up a working party to pursue the discussion further and report back in May 1978 , after consulting the Council 's committees and boards .
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