Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [subord] [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Shave men regularly and arrange women 's hair as they like it .
2 My father said the 17-horse power would use too much petrol , but it gave me a year 's pleasure before I swopped it for an A30 van .
3 The shorter the boat , the more easily the boat goes off course and the more the paddle blade needs to move away from the boat 's side whilst we propel it forward .
4 Iago works on Othello 's vision-interpretation until he replaces it with his own .
5 The Mitchells were granted permission to burn charcoal from coppiced timber at Hangman 's Wood if they returned it to this state of management .
6 I only got Rosie 's help because he put it to you ; of course , it would be in a very nice way , that I was too tired to give him his rights . ’
7 The film became the American entry , by invitation , into that year 's Venice film festival and the New York Times ' critic , Bosley Crowther , summed up his nation 's embarrassment when he described it as a ‘ brutal picture which caused diplomats to mop their brows — a vicious account of boozing , fighting , pot-smoking , vandalizing and raping done by a gang of sickle riders who are obviously drawn to represent the swastika-wearing Hell 's Angels , one of several disreputable gangs on the west coast .
8 What would he do with Harry 's body when he found it at last , but toss it back again to go downstream as he willed it to go , and leave its poor slender bones scattered all along the banks of Severn without a name or a resting-place ?
9 Today , it 's known as Lolly 's Lagoon because she saw it first .
10 Trevor Magee had passed the small entryway to Long 's Court when he noticed it .
11 It is significant in this respect that Galileo 's drawing of the moon 's surface as he saw it through a telescope contains some craters that do not in fact exist there .
12 Do give her the chance of a night 's rest before you have it out with her . ’
13 But they were unable to spin out their game for long ; impatience got the better of them and they returned the puppy , which stood shivering under its mother 's tongue as she licked it clean of foreign influences .
14 I told them , as I tell alumni wherever I meet them , that the best thing you can do for the University is to remember its strengths , and in your normal professional and daily lives to be prepared to speak up on the University 's behalf when you think it is appropriate .
15 I was even more impressed with the jacket 's performance when I wore it next to my skin — it has an antibacterial finish to the fleece which makes it suitable for this purpose .
16 There were hundreds of entries under Wells and a dozen or more A's ; none of them matched with Alison 's address as he remembered it ; and yet she 'd told him she was in the book .
17 And she outlined the role of an artist 's companion as she saw it .
18 Erm I could also support Chris 's resolution if I thought it was realistic to hope for an adequately funded public transport system in , in the foreseeable future .
19 I 'm slightly concerned about this because it said that other matters erm we do n't know what other matters until the inspector has been in , in June and has identified those other matters , presumably when we get the further inspector 's report next Autumn or after June , it will address issues which may have been ones he has addressed this year and maybe not , er and we will have to look at that inspector 's report when we receive it .
20 Some of that almost-lost flavour can still be savoured in books like William Lutton 's ‘ Montiaghisms ’ ( 1923 , but compiled 80 or 90 years earlier ) , P W Joyce 's English as we speak it in Ireland ’ ( 1910 ) or , more recently , T G F Paterson 's Country Cracks ’ ( 1939 ) .
21 I think that 's Mr Sedgewick 's view if you have it .
22 So in my new bedroom ( which used to be Pa 's office until he gave it up , just for me , and moved into the caravan ) , we work out a prayer together , to help me not to be led into temptation again .
23 His eyes were on Rostov 's face as he strapped it on .
24 She was watching the chief inspector 's face as she said it , and she knew that he believed her , and accepted her as a good witness .
25 The only carpet was in the best room , or the visitors ' room as they called it .
26 He regretted the Ryans ' intractability because he felt it made Eileen unhappy .
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