Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [noun pl] [was/were] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some Women 's Action Groups were at the forefront of strike activity , sustaining its momentum ; indeed , many of the women involved were opposed to the final return to work , which they perceived as a capitulation by the men , after great hardship which had achieved little in tangible terms ( Young , 1985 ; Witham , 1986 ; Bloomfield , 1986 ) .
2 This summer 's skate sessions were amongst the best but the endless rain was a drag .
3 Hong Kong officials said negotiations with China to end the dispute were continuing and that the colony 's border guards were in a state of ‘ high alert ’ in preparation for a possible influx .
4 The fact that a peasant 's farm buildings were in the pueblo limited the number of cattle and hens he could keep ( it may be quite difficult to buy an egg in a town of 3,000 inhabitants ) and was one more factor inhibiting a satisfactory balance between animal and crop husbandry .
5 One of Modigliani 's stone heads was on a table below the painting of Picasso and the contrast between the true thing and the true-to-life thing nearly split me .
6 The issue , which had allowed successive governments to mobilize national sentiment , had surfaced at a time when Serrano 's popularity ratings were at an all-time low .
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