Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [verb] been [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But he said that his only concern was to establish whether Mr Ridley 's decision had been in accordance with the law .
2 Short 's preparation has been under way for six months and has been intensive .
3 Thomas 's mind has been in turmoil for a long time since that rejection .
4 I saw nothing of them : the eight-yard-high obelisk was swathed in wooden bandages , as impenetrable as Scott 's Monument had been in Edinburgh .
5 The only Wirral opt-out votes preceding St Mary 's College have been at grammar schools .
6 The Institute 's Council has been in favour of abolishing the small audit since 1985 , which , in effect , means that the larger firms are in favour of abolition .
7 An important way to the heart of the client 's business has been through technology : computers and data networks .
8 Mr Saatchi has filled the twin role of chairman and chief executive for several years , but Mr Louis-Dreyfus 's appointment is designed to bring in financial skills at a senior level at a time when the company 's business has been under pressure .
9 Chris Patrick , from Hertford , reckons the force of England 's batting has been with Chewbacca , the South African at Hampshire , who bears resemblance to Robin Smith , grunting goody in Star Wars .
10 Hitherto , Blackpool 's aim had been to crush-load its trams to bursting-point , now the object was to give them a comfortable ride for their money .
11 I think the bottom line of this issue , frankly , is that the U S er attorney the governmental er investigating authorities in this matter have had this information at their disposal for several years now , had there been any question of G Tec 's behaviour er we would certainly be the subject of something that we are not right now , and that the bottom line is we have been assured from the outset that G Tec has not been a subject of this investigation , that G Tec 's behaviour has been above reproach , and as far as his comments go we we do n't really know what context to put them in .
12 ‘ Master Benjamin , ’ I muttered , ‘ the King 's corpse has been above ground for four years . ’
13 The Government 's emphasis has been on changes to the way the education system is run .
14 In the Electoral College , Reagan 's victory had been of landslide proportions , but the popular vote told a different story .
15 Well you say that International Women 's Day has been going on for some time , but here in Britain what 's known as the Women 's Movement has been in operation now for about , what , twenty one/twenty two years , something like that .
16 And Goldsborough 's voice had been like velvet .
17 The Secretary of State said that British Coal 's market has been in decline for decades .
18 ‘ You ca n't sack a man because of his friends , ’ he said forthrightly , ‘ and Caretaker 's family have been in Medewich a long time .
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