Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [conj] she [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mungo admired Emily 's patience as she waited for the right moment to mention his proposition .
2 But , pushing him aside , she gathered her cloak around her , made so bravely from those two old plush tablecloths , and began to walk downhill — the direction she happened to be facing — until she came to St Jude 's churchyard where she sat on a gravestone , her head in her hands , and shivered .
3 Marriage was very much in Diana 's mind when she returned from Switzerland .
4 But Jenny was not in Sara 's mind as she looked at Matthew now .
5 The question crossed Sabrina Carver 's mind as she stood with her left hand looped through the handle hanging from the rail above her in the aisle of the packed subway train as it hurtled through the cavernous tunnels beneath New York .
6 Described as " quiet , genteel and beautiful — a real aristocrat " Maria can only have compounded her family 's displeasure when she eloped with a volatile Irish sheep shearer .
7 Nothing seemed to penetrate Violet 's consciousness as she waited for the fight to start .
8 Pink patches appeared on Auntie Lou 's neck as she looked at her brother .
9 Mr Barker said he had n't insisted that the customer should produce a banker 's card because she lived within a few doors of the shop .
10 It was as she finished with the remainder of yesterday 's mail that she glanced through the window in time to see Silas walking towards the stables .
11 Fear was an acrid taste in Polly 's mouth as she gazed at him .
12 The traffic was too heavy for her to go to the driver 's side and she stormed along the pavement to the offending car and opened the passenger door .
13 She realised that she had imposed on Miss Hatherby 's kindness and she blushed for her lack of consideration .
14 Police are hunting a man who snatched a woman 's handbag as she walked to a bank in Church Street , Hartlepool .
15 Tragically the rope tied around Mrs Love 's ankle slipped from her husband 's grasp and she fell to her death .
16 Tamar smiled at the maid 's reflection as she rose to her feet .
17 Constance was startled by Miss Hatherby 's appearance when she arrived at the Hall .
18 The words echoed in Isabel 's head as she clung to Chalon 's saddle , where fitzAlan 's shove had sent her , and watched the four soldiers size up the situation .
19 Elaine chatted incessantly on the journey , oblivious to James 's entreaties to shut up , and Stephen 's impatience when she insisted on stopping at every plantation house — ‘ Just to have a peek . ’
20 Aubrey , meanwhile , was perched on the edge of his sister 's bed while she sat at her dressing-table , twisting her head in front of the triple mirror as she tried to place two matching clips in her hair .
21 Maggie had thought there might be a sign of deference in the fat girl 's voice when she replied to the somewhat intimidating supervisor , but there was n't .
22 Loretta was a third of the way through Puddephat 's book when she arrived in Oxford .
23 First he squeezed 60-year-old Jean 's hand as she sat by his bed .
24 He tapped Chantal 's shoulder and she slowed into the kerb .
25 Connon put his arm over his daughter 's shoulder as she shivered at Dalziel 's imagery .
26 Now that he considered it , Turakina 's expression when she stared at the offworlder was exactly like the one Alexai used when he was looking at Burun .
27 Republican committee members attempted in an adversarial and prosecutorial manner to demolish Hill 's credibility when she appeared before them .
28 Now the expression on Karen 's face as she lay beneath me , knees pulled up to her chin to facilitate maximum penetration , was of a recent convert taking communion .
29 Tears were streaming down Cora-Beth 's face as she clung to Harry 's hand .
30 But before he could banish the memory of the expression on Marjorie 's face as she stood in the thinly sunlit kitchen , one thought slid through to settle painfully into his consciousness .
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