Example sentences of "['s] [noun pl] do [not/n't] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Freddie 's talents did not lie in that direction .
2 The gentlemen 's titles did not appear on the hand-painted signs at the foot of the staircase ; in certain other Oxford colleges such practices were countenanced ; not , Mr Bullins thought proudly , in Magdalen , which , in his opinion , was not only the most beautiful college in Oxford but also the only one of any consequence .
3 The weakest form occurs when state officials act on their own preferences in situations where society 's preferences do not diverge from theirs .
4 But the victories of the court 's opponents did not endure for long .
5 D'Arcy 's eyes did n't move from the girl .
6 Dr Evans had made several visits as well , and was able to report that the damage to Faye 's eyes did not seem to be worsening .
7 Alice 's parents did n't know about toxic shock , and the fact it could be related to using a tampon , but also the parents of some other children , other women did n't know either .
8 The illuminated castle and black velvet kittens on the mantelpiece of the Toodles ' home in Staggs 's Gardens do not detract from it , but rather add to its sense of welcome .
9 But Mr Murdoch stressed that Levack 's troubles did not stem from the recent collapse of Lilley group ; it had only low exposure to subcontracting .
10 The Archbishop 's investigators did not search for , or embrace , a fashionable solution .
11 The bond 's conditions did not allow for this , so even if bought and transferred at less than par between individuals , they had to be redeemed by the Club in full .
12 Donizetti 's resources did not run to the excesses a more modern composer would have applied in depicting a tormented mind .
13 Pound may be right or wrong about the merits of Binyon 's version , as about the sorts of language that are acceptable in verse translation ; what is certain is that he 's here applying to diction a sort of sliding scale or set of variable standards such as Ford 's principles did n't allow for .
14 ‘ As it happens , José 's tastes do not run to women , General . ’
15 Some of Barnet 's players did n't know about Fry 's Friday night re-instatement until they turned up at the ground .
16 Although the financial awards are great , it is a shame that today 's professionals do n't appear to be enjoying their sport .
17 A Lydon penalty gave Wigan a 9-2 interval lead and despite the errors , John Monie 's men did n't look in imminent danger .
18 Do n't forget , son , that a lot of Australian people 's ancestors did not ask to be deported from jolly Old England !
19 It started at 9am , before Judge Baron Parke , and the first day 's proceedings did not finish until 11pm .
20 As you are probably aware , the actual network of lines and stations beneath London 's streets does not conform to the neat , straight lines with regularly spaced stations depicted on the map .
21 At this level Newton 's laws do n't work at all , we have to talk in terms of ‘ quantum mechanics ’ which deals with all sorts of uncertainties and probabilities .
22 However , Jerrome 's findings do not refer at all to ‘ tending ’ activities ; the importance of friends in old age seems to be more about a natural extension of satisfying experiences and modes of behaviour in earlier years than about a changed conception of the nature of the relationship which could accommodate more ‘ caring ’ activity .
23 father replaced mother 's lost services by caring for the infant himself , the father 's services did not accrue as a result of the death .
24 The marginalization of consciousness in this way would certainly make life simpler for those attempting to understand our cognitive processes , but unfortunately Libet 's conclusions do not follow from his data .
25 The possibility that he had been killed for some reason connected with his father 's letters did not occur to Derek .
26 Care therefore needs to be taken to ensure that increases in value in management 's shares do not derive from a chargeable event as described above .
27 The expense the school incurred in educating and maintaining the taxpayers ' sons did not add to the school 's general costs but was equal to the additional cost involved in so doing — such as meals and laundry .
28 They pointed out that the information provided by such an analysis of the components of shareholders ' funds did not seem to be useful and was difficult to interpret .
29 Please note that West Somerset Railway Association members ' concessions do not apply for this event , and tickets do not give free travel .
30 Unattended and unrepresented claimants ' appeals did not appear to be tested as carefully as those of attended and represented claimants .
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