Example sentences of "a [noun sg] pointed out " in BNC.

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1 A soldier pointed out the strangers to his commanding officer .
2 But later a friend pointed out that , knowing me , I was probably sitting hunched up , with my arms crossed over my fat belly , fiddling with my wedding ring .
3 Thus , it may be desirable to draw a patient 's attention to any inconsistency between his expressed attitudes and his actual behaviour ( e.g. a therapist pointed out to a patient that the latter insisted that he wished to tackle some problem in his home yet arranged to go out every evening with his friends ) .
4 In explaining why he had gone along with ‘ doctoring ’ data so as to secure a contract deadline , a supervisor pointed out , ‘ If I refused to take part in the fraud , I would have to either resign or be fired ’ .
5 Getting off a packed S-Bahn carriage at the Zoo station , a woman pointed out to her husband the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church : ‘ Look !
6 When a colleague pointed out how difficult and time consuming these would be to iron , Laura countered : ‘ Oh , but surely everyone sends their sheets to a laundry these days ? ’
7 A spokesman pointed out that the alliance had agreed to the idea of an interim government in Afghanistan pending elections , and he observed that this could include ‘ neutral ’ personalities .
8 A spokesman pointed out that there were over 200 stations in Germany monitoring nitrogen oxides .
9 No one from Office Cleaning Services was available to be interviewed today , but a spokesman pointed out that Mrs Hampton had been advised by her doctor that the work was too stressful for her .
10 A spokesman pointed out the jet had been in use for five years and there had been no complaints until recently .
11 A problem pointed out by several guests is that the bar facilities are not conducive to confidential discussions with colleagues .
12 Unfortunately , I was so delighted to celebrate the mere existence of this euphoria that , as a reader pointed out , I made no attempt to analyze exactly what it was about the theme parks that had produced it .
13 One thoughtful article by a headteacher whose school was the subject of an inspection pointed out the need for HMI to be scrupulous in their attention to details of factual accuracy .
14 The Ardeer site in Scotland managed to cut £6,000 from its annual water bill when an employee pointed out an unnecessarily wasteful use of water .
15 Even at the point of entry there was overcrowding , and in 1786 an officer pointed out to a correspondent that ‘ the ship is allowed but two midshipmen , and we have sixteen gentlemen on board who are rated able seamen & captain 's servants ’ .
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