Example sentences of "a [noun sg] outside the " in BNC.

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1 Before leaving the village I consulted a chart outside the coastguard station , which confirmed that I had five hours before high tide ; this would give me time to get to the end of Worm 's Head and safely back onto the cliffs without danger of being stranded .
2 Jones , now 19 , and living in Holyhead , also told the court he ate apple cores from the toilet in school , and took cake and other items from a bucket outside the school canteen .
3 After a pub lunch we did a bit outside the car-park mortuary and then settled down with the telephone to record some attempts to buy a coffin , one of which resulted in agreement , which was the last thing we needed at the time , although it came in very handy later .
4 Robert Cunningham , 35 , of Palm Street , Middlesbrough , hit brother Thomas in the head with a stick outside the town 's Southfield Hotel .
5 Exploring the village , we came across a statue outside the church .
6 On 17 November , for example , about 200 chemistry department students held a sit-in outside the main administrative building at Beijing Normal ( Teachers ' ) University .
7 On the morning of the vote members of the Socialist Forces Front ( FFS ) held a sit-in outside the Assembly , claiming that it was an unrepresentative body .
8 He even wondered if he ought to suggest to Paul Lexington that that sentence was put on a hoarding outside the theatre , but did n't quite have the nerve .
9 He was fat and very dark — one of the tinkers from a camp outside the village — and he carried an armful of pots and pans .
10 Shielding his eyes from the glare , Bash looked on as the craft continued its slow descent , coming to rest in a field outside the barbarian 's hut .
11 we 'll have a talk first and then he 's going to have a walk , a walk round the centre , look at the facilities , and er , then go and do , do the ropes course and then we 're going to head across to set up camp and which is in a field outside the centre
12 Hampshire Police confirmed yesterday that they were called to the scene of a fight outside the Captain 's Corner nightspot in Southampton around midnight .
13 Do n't turn up and play live on the back of a truck outside the record company .
14 Thus , in the Induction to The Taming of the Shrew — a unique example of a play outside the play , not to be taken as a measure by which the rest of the play must be dismissed for lacking seriousness — the tinker Christopher Sly , brought back in a drunken stupor to the house of a mischievous lord , is deceived into thinking that he is really a gentleman .
15 I am not — ’ He stopped and looked round , almost in alarm , at a noise outside the door .
16 The wind seemed to have dropped and everything seemed peaceful , when he was aware of a noise outside the box .
17 Left for dead , the body was carried into the monastery by the monks and laid in a tent outside the church , but after midnight Eardwulf was found in the church alive .
18 His appointment is a further indication that Gloucester was not indulging in a witch-hunt outside the immediate Woodville circle .
19 His appointment is a further indication that Gloucester was not indulging in a witch-hunt outside the immediate Woodville circle .
20 Action : A DC may need to be assessed by a user outside the specified user 's hierarchy
21 The goat was hanging from a hook outside the restaurant door , under the awning .
22 On the day that the last of the articles appeared , the Zionist Federation staged a demonstration outside the London offices of The Times , some of their supporters holding placards which announced that the paper was ‘ a new Arab secret weapon ’ and that the PLO would be the next owner of The Times .
23 The women 's civic fronts have virulently opposed US-imposed reforms and in May 1980 staged a demonstration outside the US ambassador 's residence .
24 It says right here , ACT-UP did their fucking nuts , quite right too , held a demonstration outside the Chicago gaol and everything , but they still deported him , and now THT and BP and everybody are saying that they wo n't go to the San Francisco conference unless they let PWAs in . ’
25 It was confirmed on June 2 , 1989 , in the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda that on June 2 , 1962 , in the southern Russian town of Novocherkassk , militia officers had opened fire on a demonstration outside the local Communist Party headquarters by striking factory workers protesting against wage cuts and food price rises .
26 On Jan. 8 the pro-Soviet Yedinstvo ( " Unity " ) group , drawing its support mainly from the Russian and Polish minorities , staged a demonstration outside the Lithuanian Supreme Council building , ostensibly to protest against planned price rises of 200-300 per cent .
27 Government supporters , who had wanted her to stand trial , staged a demonstration outside the US embassy on Sept. 9 , blaming the USA for involvement in her departure .
28 Disabled workers will be staging a demonstration outside the County Council in Trowbridge before Councillors meet to decide their future .
29 It was quite common for an affluent client to insist : " I 'm only interested in BES schemes , although a skilful dealer would tempt him into a short-term punt in a stock outside the BES .
30 It 's about vandalism of a school , of a seat outside the primary school .
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